Call for Paper



The number of refugees in the world increase every year. Based on UNHCR Global Trends Forced Displacement in 2014,the number of individuals forced to leave their home and seek for protection elsewhere average 42.500 individuals per day. Until 2014, there are 59,5 million individuals who were forcibly displaced worldwide as a result of persecution, conflict, generalized violence, or human rights violations. If these persons were a nation, they would make up the 24 th largest in the world.

The source countries of refugees in the end of 2014 were Syrian Arab Republic, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, South Sudan, Dem. Rep. Of Congo, Myanmar, Central Africa Rep., Iraq and Eritrea. United Nations declared that Rohingya people are the most persecuted minorities in the world. Their rights to work, study, travel and practice their religion have not existed. The number of Rohingya refugees in the end of 2014 almost reach five hundred thousand which spread in some countries. ASEAN countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand are transit country for Rohingya refugees.

As neighboring country, ASEAN countries have to give simultaneous support to Rohingya Refugees. SEAHUM, a humanitarian organizations network based in the Southeast Asian countries to cooperate in humanitarian activities in the ASEAN region initiate an international summit which will bridge the stakeholders that has been contributed in Rohingya issue. This event will be held by SEAHUM in collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa, an Indonesian non-profit organization, established to raise the social dignity of the poor through ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq/Alms, Waqf/endowments and other social

funds). In this event will be discussed some issues that related to Rohingya issues, such as understanding opportunity and challenges for Rohingya after general election in Myanmar, ASEAN countries role to help Rohingya and how to create good cooperation with all stakeholders in ASEAN to solve Rohingya issue. Islamic humanitarian financing will be interesting topic also in this event. Remembering that in humanitarian crisis, funding is one of important things and always needed.




To gain better understanding in Myanmar’s recent situation and an opportunity for Rohingya people after the general election

To encourage Indonesian’s Government and ASEAN’s commitment and simultaneous support for the human rights protection for Rohingya people in


To have better cooperation between ASEAN’s INGO’s/NGO’s working in Rohingya’s sssue

To generate Islamic humanitarian financing and Islam’s perspective on refugees



Optional Topic


1. Legal Approach on Rohingya

The Needs of a Comprehensive Law on Refugees and Asylum Seeker in Indonesia


2. Humanitarian Financing 


Fundraising : The Role of Zakat, Infaq, Shodaqoh

Promoting Sustainable Development Program on Refugees : Best Practice

Building Synergy between CSO and Government Organization


3. Understanding ASEAN Perspectives on Refugees : Challenge and Solution 

Understanding Geopolitics of ASEAN : Approach of Humanitarian Diplomacy on Rohingya

Historical, Political & Sociology Approach on Rohingya

Role of Indonesia Government Diplomacy on Rohingya : The Challenge

Important Dpblog>


23 April 2016 : Dealine for Abstract Submission

 7 Mei 2016 : Announcement of best 15 selected abstract



Top 15 papers will be recorded in  proceeding

The Best 6 selected abstract will get the oportunity to be presented by the writers in the conference

Contact and Registration


For more information please contact :


Rama +628111916478


Email : [email protected]


or you can Register Here








”Humanitarian Diplomacy as Possible Solution”




Wai Wai Nu (Woman Peace Network, Arakan)

Muhammad Abdus Sabur (Secretary General of AMAN)

Suzaina Kadir (Associate Dean, National University of Singapore)

Heru Susetyo, S.H, LL.M., M.Si., Ph.D, (Founder, PAHAM Indonesia)

Bambang Suherman (Director of Resource Mobilization, Dompet Dhuafa, Indonesia)

 Dr. Abdullah Sudin Abdurrahman (Presiden, Haluan, Malaysia)

Sylviani Abdul Hamid, Director of SNH Advocacy Centre, Indonesia

Tommy Hendarjati, Former Secretary General of SEAHUM

Sabeth Abilawa (Dompet Dhuafa)

Date and Venue


Wednesday – Thursday, May, 18-19th 2016


IPB International Convention Center

Bogor, Indonesia




Government Representation

National & International NGO

General Public Who Interestedin Refugee Issue



Conference Fee:


US$ 115 (Non-Indonesia)


IDR 1,500,000 (Indonesia)


Facilities :


accomodation in hotel (2D1N)

Meals (3x/day)

meeting package

goody bag

Seminar Kit


Payment Method


Bank Transfer


For Dollar :


Bank Syariah Mandiri 7.000.524.292  Acc. Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika

swift code : BSMDIDJA


For Rupiah :


Bank Danamon Syariah 007.101.0078 Acc. Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika



Registration and Information


Hafiza +6285692196270


Email : [email protected]