5 Ways to Thank Allah Swt

Ilustrasi memperbanyak amalan di bulan Muharam untuk artikel doa memohon pertolongan Allah

Expressing ourselves to our loved ones can strengthen our relationship with them. This is also true when we express gratitude to Allah Swt. In Islam, expressing gratitude is a basic aspect of faith. Apart from strengthening our relationship with the Almighty, gratitude will also bring peace and a feeling of sufficiency in living life. So, how do we express gratitude in Islam?

The Meaning of Gratitude

(Remember) when your Lord said, ‘Indeed, if you give thanks, I will increase (favors) to you, but if you deny (My favors), surely My punishment is indeed very painful.’” (QS Ibrahim: 7)

The above verse reminds Allah’s servants to always be grateful for all the blessings from Allah SWT. If people do so, the blessings will be increased. Conversely, if people deny it, then Allah will send His punishment. What exactly does gratitude mean in Islam?

Gratitude is an expression of gratitude to Allah Swt for all the blessings He has given us. This gratitude is not just through words, but also through actions.

Read also: Here are 8 signs that your sustenance is full of blessings

Hadith about Gratitude

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever is ungrateful to others is ungrateful to Allah.” (Sunan Abi Daud)

This Hadith underscores the importance of expressing gratitude not only to Allah, but also to those around us, as part of the overall practice of gratitude.

By incorporating these practices into our daily lives, we can truly embody gratitude to Allah swt, appreciate His endless blessings, and use them to fulfill our duties as His servants.

How to Be Grateful to Allah Swt

Now that we know the meaning of gratitude, it’s time to explore how to give thanks to Allah Swt. The ways of gratitude below are inspired by the teachings of the Qur’an, hadith, and Islamic scholars.

1. Recognizing All Favors Come from Allah

The first step to showing gratitude to Allah Swt is to recognize that everything we have and everything we need comes from Him. Our skills, hard work, and efforts are not the main source of all the blessings we have. Realizing this will bring about an attitude of humility and dependence on Him.

2. Humble

When we recognize God’s role in our lives, it naturally leads to humility. This humility is a key component of gratitude, as it prevents pride and complacency.

A grateful heart is one that appreciates the blessings it has received, constantly reflecting on God’s generosity and compassion. This gratitude in the heart is essential to fostering a close relationship with the Creator.

3. Dhikr of Praising Allah

Gratitude must be expressed, not only in the heart, but also verbally. This is done through dhikr, constantly praising Allah for the favors He has bestowed upon us. Saying dhikr regularly helps us keep our minds and hearts focused on Allah’s favors and strengthens our gratitude. Dhikr of “alhamdulillah”, “subhanallah”, and so on, can be a way of gratitude that we do repeatedly throughout the day to remind us of His bounty.

4. Prayer

The next way to be grateful is to perform religious rituals or worship. Praying fervently, fasting during Ramadan, giving zakat and alms, and praying with confidence are all ways of being grateful for the blessings that Allah has given us. Worship reflects our gratitude and shows our commitment to obey Allah.

How a servant is grateful to his Lord can be seen from the way the Prophet thanked Allah.

‘Aisha reported that the Messenger of Allah prayed at night until the soles of his feet were swollen, so I (‘Aisha) said to him, ‘Why are you doing this when Allah has forgiven your present sins and your future sins?’ The Messenger of Allah replied, ‘Am I not a grateful servant?” (HR Muslim).

5. Using Treasure and Energy in the Way of God

True gratitude is shown through actions, not just words or feelings. One of the highest forms of gratitude is to use the wealth and energy God has given us to serve Him and help others.

This can be done by giving alms, helping those less fortunate, and using our time, skills and resources for the benefit of society. By doing these things, we are fulfilling our role as stewards of God.

The ultimate sign of gratitude is to use the blessings we have to worship Allah and avoid actions that only benefit us in this world. By aligning our actions with His guidance, we show our gratitude in a meaningful and impactful way.

Read also: Sadaqah When It’s Hard: Strengthening Faith, Opening Doors to Sustenance

Examples of Gratitude in the Qur’an

“They (the jinn) always worked for Solomon according to his will. They made tall buildings, statues, plates like pools and pots that were fixed (on the stove). Work, O family of David, to give thanks. Very few of My servants are thankful.” (QS. Saba: 13)

The above verse serves as a reminder to Muslims of the importance of showing gratitude to Allah for the gifts and favors bestowed upon us.

This verse describes how Allah commanded Prophet David (peace be upon him) and Prophet Sulaiman (peace be upon him) to work with gratitude for the blessings they had received. Both prophets were blessed with prophethood and kingship, and they used these blessings to do good to others and serve God. Their lives serve as examples of how prophets show gratitude through action.

Friends, let us show gratitude to Allah Swt in the ways mentioned above. Starting from dhikr, obeying His commands, worshiping, to donating our energy and wealth to those in need. You can also channel alms through Dompet Dhuafa. Inshallah, our good intentions are all accepted by Allah. Aamiinn… (RQA)