BOGOR, WEST JAVA – Arriving in its fifth year, Dompet Dhuafa again brought together elderly donors in the Gemilang 2025 Islamic Boarding School. Located at the Amanuba Hotel, Bogor, as many as 30 participants gained knowledge from presenters who were experts in their fields. Pesantren Gemilang ran for three days, from Saturday (01/25/2025) to Monday (01/27/2025).
Before starting the series of pesantren activities, the event was opened by the Deputy Director of Corporate Secretary of Dompet Dhuafa, Dian Mulyadi. He said that Pesantren Gemilang 2025 is an effort to build self-awareness in preparing for the coming day and can build the collaborative spirit of donors. Especially welcoming the momentum of the coming of the holy month of Ramadan. He hoped that the participants could share inspiration and motivation with the presenters and then be able to elaborate in their daily lives.
“Hopefully Pesantren Gemilang can be a productive activity at the golden age. It is the most appropriate means to add insight, share knowledge, and prepare yourself to fill the days ahead productively. In addition, it also builds friendship with many new friends. Especially in the upcoming month of Ramadan, 35 days away,” said Dian.
The purpose of Pesantren Gemilang itself is to refresh the participants’ spiritual and physical health at the golden age through productive activities. To support this goal, Dompet Dhuafa presented the Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Sharia Supervisory Board, Prof. Amin Suma.
Read also: Fourth Gemilang Pesantren: A Forum for Mutual Self-Motivation

He delivered material about Fiqh of Life, especially in the life of the elderly. At the golden age, said Prof. Amin, the elderly, including himself, are expected to deepen what can touch the heart. Therefore, fiqh material based on Sufism is his choice to convey.
“Understanding fiqh is not only normative. We must also interpret the norms that there is a meaning of goodness in them. I use Sufism which focuses more on preparing for the afterlife. I pray that all of us are facilitated in this month of Rajab. This activity is also very good to prepare for Ramadan. Bravo, Dompet Dhuafa!” said Prof. Amin, Sunday (26/01/2025).
Other materials are no less interesting. Starting from the Meaning of the Prayer Movement by the Director of the Social Humanitarian and Da ‘ wah Program, Ahmad Sohnhaji; Harta and Kita by the Secretary of the Dompet Dhuafa Sharia Council, Ustaz Ahmad Fauzi Qosim; Miracle of Du’a by a doctor and Neuro Parenting Practitioner, Dr. Aisah Dahlan. In addition, the participants also carried out other activities, such as morning exercises, health checks, tahsin and congregational prayers.
Read also: Pesantren Gemilang, Embrace Elderly Donors towards the Benefits of Life

Undergoing various activities of Pesantren Gemilang in the middle of Ciawi’s nature adds a calm and serene atmosphere. Participants did not only learn indoors, but were also given the opportunity to practice mindfulness in nature with Sofie Beatrix, a mindfulness and mental health counselor. Ms. Beatrix, as she is affectionately known, asked the participants to walk barefoot in the middle of nature and offer prayers for the plants, animals and people around them.
“This practice teaches us to absorb the energy in nature. Through it, we can connect more deeply with the Creator, Allah Swt. So that we feel calm and peaceful, grateful for the blessings that Allah has given. I was very happy that the participants enthusiastically dispersed to walk slowly in the middle of nature barefoot, while praying for the creatures around them. This certainly adds to the extraordinary spiritual experience,” said Mother Beatrix.

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Pesantren Gemilang received extraordinary appreciation from Dr. Aisah Dahlan. On the last day, Dr. Aisah delivered material related to neuroscience. She provided education on how the power of religious and social worship affects the workings of the brain, especially during the golden age. One of them, she shared tips to prevent Alzheimer’s, namely by increasing social activities.
“This Gemilang Islamic Boarding School is an extraordinary activity. The elderly are directed to remain productive here. Apart from nourishing the body and soul, of course we can also learn together again. Inshallah, with more learning, our faith will increase and be blessed by Allah SWT. Of course, it will increase our love for others. I recommend the existence of Pesantren Gemilang next year,” he said enthusiastically on Monday (27/01/2025).
The smooth implementation of Pesantren Gemilang cannot be separated from the contributions of various parties. This event was also supported by Maybank Syariah, Kampoong Hening, Trainer Academy and Amanuba Hotel & Resort. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Hany Fatihah Ahmad
Editor: Dhika