NORTH LOMBOK, NTT — Yulisda Ainun (39) is an active member of Forum Pengurangan Risiko Bencana (FPRB) Medana Village or Medana Village Disaster Risk Reduction Forum. Even at the age of 40 (close to), she is still interested and active in participating in disaster management programs and actions in her region. According to her, participating in disaster management activities is an important thing and is a blessing.
“I feel this is very important, because I’m a housewife who also has a toddler whose age is now more than one year old. This activity is very, very beneficial for me. Especially if things we don’t want (natural disasters) happen again,” said Yuli.
“Because Medana Village is one of the areas that has a very high risk, especially related to tsunami and earthquake disasters,” she continued while recalling the earthquake in 2018.
Besides being active in FPRB, Yulisda is also active as a counselor in Medana Village regarding mother and child issues. With that consideration, she sees disaster management actions, especially in the pre-disaster or mitigation phases are very important, because this is able to minimize the impact of damage that occurs if the ill-fated incident occurs.
Yulisda became one of the participants or benefit recipients of the intensive disaster management training program initiated by the Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC). This training was held on Friday—Monday (11—14/8/2023) at Pantai Bintang, Medana Village, Tanjung District, North Lombok Regency. Not alone, Yulisda was accompanied by dozens of other participants who participated in a series of interesting and crucial training sessions from DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
On the first day, DMC Dompet Dhuafa held a workshop on the Community Coordination and Assistance Center in collaboration with the North Lombok Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD). Then on the second day, the participants explored emergency first aid skills with the Dompet Dhuafa Lombok Free Health Service (LKC) as well as training on how to maintain the safety of the beach environment and handle riots or social disasters.
On the third day, DMC Dompet Dhuafa collaborated with BASARNAS to provide water rescue and navigation training to survival techniques on the surface of the water. Finally, on the fourth day, the activity was closed with a talk show entitled “Theory and Practice of Waste Management” with the Environmental Office, Tourism Office, and Health Office.
“Thanks to DMC Dompet Dhuafa, this activity is very, very useful for disaster prevention or mitigation in the future,” she concluded.
Yulisda’s message to the community is that hopefully the community is equipped and skilled in being prepared to face disasters. Thus, the community is able to become a resilient person and provide a positive spirit in carrying out actions that can minimize the impact of disaster damage. (Dompet Dhuafa/DMC/MAS/AFP)