SOUTH TANGERANG — In commemoration of the Youth Pledge Day on October 28, 2022, Dompet Dhuafa held a Millennial Care for History action, on Saturday (5/11/2022), at the Palagan Lengkong Monument, North Serpong, South Tangerang City. This activity involved junior high school (SMP), high school (SMA), and community youth activists. In addition, this event was also held in order to welcome Heroes’ Day which is set on November 10.
In this activity, Dompet Dhuafa through the Community Service Agency (LPM) wants to provide education to young people to understand historical sites and care for them. In this atmosphere of the spirit of heroes and youth pledge, Dompet Dhuafa also seeks to foster the fighting values of heroes for the younger generation of Indonesia. The event opened with a Red and White flag-raising ceremony by all participants and organizers, followed by remarks and several other series of events.
There were 3 (three) series of activities that took place. Among them are the cleaning action of the Palagan Lengkong historical site, the Major Daan Mogot face painting competition, and the presentation of the history of the struggle of Major Daan Mogot. The participants were 60 students/youth from SMK 1 South Tangerang, SMK Al Fajar South Tangerang, SMP An Nur South Tangerang, SMP Yaspita Serpong, SMK Falatehan, MTs Nurul Falah Cihuni, Ponpes Nurul Falah Haromain, Komite Nasional Pemuda Indonesia (KNPI) South Tangerang, and local Karangtaruna.

Like the commemoration of Indonesia’s independence, the participants wore heroic costumes. From those who wore the proclaimer’s costume, regional traditional clothes, to the costumes of civilians who struggled at the bottom line.
Head of LPM Dompet Dhuafa M. Noor Awaluddin Asjhar in his speech said, LPM Dompet Dhuafa wants to invite Indonesian young people to be more aware of Indonesia’s heroic history as well as its sites. Palagan Lengkong Monument is one of the historical sites of Indonesia’s struggle. In this place, there was a bloody event known as the Lengkong Incident. Major Daan Mogot who led dozens of cadets was killed along with other officers.
“Towards this Heroes’ Day, Dompet Dhuafa invites Indonesian youth to participate in maintaining the historical sites of Indonesian heroes and caring for the values of their struggle. By knowing the historical traces of the heroes, it is hoped that it can foster the love of young people for the history of Indonesian independence,” Awal explained.

Chairman of DPD KNPI Tangsel City, Syaefudin, welcomed this activity. He expressed his appreciation for the youth activities organized by Dompet Dhuafa. According to him, this kind of activity is a joint effort to continue to maintain cultural heritage. This Lengkong monument is also a cultural site. So, he continued, it is everyone’s duty to protect it, preserve it, and never forget its history.
“We can all be heroes today. The trick is to continue to uphold the values of heroism, unity, mutual cooperation, mutual help, and continue to remember history,” he explained.

In line with that, Babinsa Lengkong Wetan, Sertu Suardin said that this activity was very helpful in remembering and honoring the heroes who died on January 25, 1946. He is also willing to fully support and assist anything needed in this activity. To the youth, especially the participants who attended, to remain enthusiastic about learning the history of Indonesia’s struggle.
“The way for young people to be involved in the struggle, first, young people must know history. Second, instill the spirit, so there will be concern for history and the struggles in it,” he explained.
At the end of the event, the committee gave appreciation to the best participants. Among them were the winners of the painting competition and the best costumes. Nida Putri Kartika, a student of MTs Nurul Falah, Cihuni, who dressed as Cut Nyak Dien became the first winner of the best costume. She said that after participating in this event, she understood more about Major Daan Mogot, until his name was immortalized on the name of the road that stretches along 27.5 KM from Sukarasa, Tangerang, to Grogol, West Jakarta. (Dompet Dhuafa / Muthohar)