Air pollution worsening in DKI Jakarta in mid-2023 is the hottest discussion among the public. How could it not? Air pollution makes some residents experience Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI). In fact, several residents with sensitive skin experience worsening of their skin, such as inflamed acne that never heals.
Jakarta Air Pollution
Industrial air waste is predicted to be the main cause of air pollution which is getting worse day by day in the area around Jakarta. In addition, vehicle fumes that accumulate every day on the streets of Jakarta also contribute to air pollution in the capital city (polusi udara di Ibu Kota). For this reason, there needs to be policies and policies from the government in power to reduce air waste from industry and the use of motorized vehicles so that people can breathe healthy air again.
Air pollution or air pollution is included in the category of environmental damage. Because the air of the gift of Allah SWT, which was previously good and healthy, experienced a decrease in quality, which was polluted with foreign chemicals that caused the composition of the air to deteriorate. Thus causing negative impacts that threaten human health and the environment. So, how do we overcome this environmental damage, especially according to Islam? Check out the review to the end.
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Solutions to Overcome Environmental Damage According to Islam
As a religion that rahmatan lil alamin, brings mercy to all nature, Islam not only regulates matters of worship, but all lines of human life, including regulating how human attitudes should be towards the universe. Allah swt has warned us to take care of His created Earth through His words in the Qur’an.
On the other hand, Allah also knows that man will do mischief despite warnings. In addition to sending down the word of ways to protect the universe, Allah Almighty has also entrusted solutions to overcome environmental damage through the Qur’an. Subhanallah, He is perfect.
Here are three solutions to overcome environmental damage according to Islam contained in the Qur’an, quoted from the Journal of Qur’anic Sciences and Tafsir (Jurnal Ilmu Al-Qur’an dan Tafsir):
Faith and Piety
“If the people of the lands have faith and piety, surely We will bestow upon them the blessings of heaven and earth, but they lie (Our verses), then We torment them for their deeds.” (Al-A’raf: 96)
For Islam, the environment is inseparable from man’s faith in God. In other words, man’s behaviour toward his environment reflects his faith in Allah. Faith will free man from lust. Faith also makes a person feel safe and optimistic so that he does not “overdo it” in acting.
Also read: Ayat-Ayat Al-Quran Tentang Bencana Alam
Meanwhile, piety is a responsible consciousness that nourishes man from carelessness, injustice, and arrogance. Piety encourages man to be careful not to act as he pleases or overstep limits. The piety of the inhabitants of a country makes them able to work together to do good and help manage the Earth while enjoying it together.
Environmentally Conscious
According to Imam Thabathaba’i, the universe is like a human body in which the parts are related. If one part does not function properly, the other parts will have a negative impact. Like humans do with nature, these two things are like interdependent human bodies. If nature is damaged, then humans will also feel the impact.
Realizing this fact, humans can brake their desires for more benefits. Environmentally conscious humans also mean aware of their role and function as caliphs on Earth. This awareness of the environment includes the characteristics and differences of humans with other living things. Thus, only man can solve environmental problems with his intellect and consciousness.
Sustainable Management
To maintain and fulfil the human standard, humans can utilize all resources reasonably and responsibly. Humans are not allowed to use natural resources only to meet the needs of themselves or their circles, while the rights of use of others and future generations should be addressed.
In addition, humans are also prohibited from misusing and/or changing natural resources only for certain interests so that the right to use for everyone becomes reduced or lost.
Good and correct environmental management is one of the tasks of humans on Earth. The man was created with his mind, heart, and feelings as well as biological, physical completeness to carry out his functions and duties as a caliph on Earth as mentioned in surah al-Baqarah:
Also read: Hikmah di Balik Bencana Alam dalam Islam yang Wajib Muslim Ketahui
“Remember when your Lord said to the angels, ‘Behold, I will make a caliph on earth.’ They said: ‘Why do you want to make (the caliph) on Earth one who will make mischief to him and shed blood when We are always praying by praising You and purifying You?’ The Lord said: ‘Verily I know what ye do not know.’ (QS. Al-Baqarah: 30)
The Prohibition of Mischief in Islam
Environmental damage has a multidimensional impact on human life. The effects of environmental damage cause air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, to noise pollution. These various pollutants impact human health and threaten other living things, such as animals and plants.
Islam has taught man to respect nature and forbids harming it. Because nature is part of human life. If humans do not manage nature well, they destroy their lives.
“And do no mischief on the face of the earth, after it has been (created) well. Pray to Him with fear and expectation. Verily the mercy of God is very close to those who do good.” (QS. Al-A’raf: 56)
Through the above verse, Allah asks people not to harm in any form, either in behaviour, such as destroying, killing, polluting rivers, etc., or doing damage related to creeds, such as idolatry, kufr, and all forms of disobedience. The issue of this creed is important to note because mental damage is the cause of physical damage. That is why Allah improved the Earth by sending His Messenger, sending down the Qur’an, and establishing the Shari’a.