Barzah Holds Funeral Training at UNISMA Bekasi

BEKASI — The Family Law and Sharia Banking Study Program of the Faculty of Islamic Religion, UNISMA Bekasi, together with the Funeral Board (Barzah) of LPM Dompet Dhuafa held a funeral training. The event was held at Al Fatah Mosque, UNISMA, on Thursday (12/01/2023), and was attended by 126 participants from among students.

“In Islam, the law of taking care of corpses is fardhu kifayah. This means that Muslims are required to have the knowledge and skills on how to bathe, shroud, and pray for the dead in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law,” said Madroi as Barzah Manager when opening the training session.

Male student trainees.

This activity was held to increase students’ understanding, knowledge and skills in handling corpses. The participants received knowledge to be directly practiced when going into the community. The Head of the Family Law Study Program, Musyaffa Amin Ash Shabah, said that this training was very appropriate for UNISMA students.

“This training is very appropriate, thank you LPM Dompet Dhuafa for your cooperation in providing education related to funeral arrangements,” he said.

Female student trainees.

Ikromi Aliftian Cahya, a Sharia Banking student who was also a training participant, became more aware of the procedures for handling corpses. According to him, by attending this training, he became more aware and understood about what must be done in the process of handling a corpse properly and correctly according to Islamic law.
“By participating in this training, I became more literate, understanding what must be done in terms of handling a good and correct corpse,” she explained.

Read also:Dompet Dhuafa Provides Corpse Processing Knowledge for Prospective Unida Campus Volunteers

In addition to providing education and training related to funeral arrangements, Barzah LPM Dompet Dhuafa also provides corpse pick-up services with coverage areas in Java and Lampung. For service requests, you can directly contact the Barzah call center at 0859-2079-2999. Every time ready 24 hours to serve the community. (Dompet Dhuafa/LPM/Adi Zubed)