
Qiscus: Employees and Company Unite in Donation for Palestine, Delivered Through Dompet Dhuafa

JAKARTA — The ongoing onslaught by Zionist soldiers continues to inflict suffering on the Palestinian people. By the last week of November 2023, the death toll in Palestine had exceeded […]

Dr. Kadyrov Skincare Provides Hope for Palestine, Delivers Humanitarian Donation Through Dompet Dhuafa

JAKARTA — With an unwavering commitment to uphold humanitarian values, Dr. Kadyrov Skincare has chosen to stand with Palestine. The beauty brand has initiated a proactive step, fostering solidarity to […]

BAZMA Helps Palestine, Trusts Again in Synergy with Dompet Dhuafa

JAKARTA — Thankfully, the profound concern for humanity has once again been directed towards Palestine, facilitated by Dompet Dhuafa. This act of kindness originates from donors within the Pertamina Group. […]

Does Patience Have Its Limits? Perspectives in Islam & Examples from the Prophets

Friends, in navigating life, we often face situations that demand patience. But have you ever pondered, “Does patience have its limits?” Let’s delve into the Islamic perspective on the concept […]

9 Tips for Managing Minimum Wage to Increase Its Blessings

Friends, navigating economic challenges with a regional minimum wage (UMR) requires skillful management. How can we ensure this limited salary brings greater blessings and effectiveness? Below are 9 tips to […]

Baitul Maqdis, the Holy Land and the Third Qibla in Islam

Baitul Maqdis, known as the “Third Holiest Site” in Islam, is not just a mesmerizing historical site in Jerusalem. Beyond that, Baitul Maqdis is a sacred complex that holds spiritual […]

The Reading of Prophet David’s Prayer and Its Meaning for a Muslim

Prayer serves as a bridge that connects us to the Creator. Among the many profound prayers in Islam, one that stands out for its deep meaning and wisdom is that […]

The Prayer of Prophet Yunus in the Qur’an and Its Wisdom

Friends, prayer is a bridge that connects our hearts to the Creator. One deeply meaningful prayer, emanating from an astonishing event, is the Prayer of Prophet Yunus. Let’s explore the […]

Inspiration from Khalid ibn al-Walid, the Sword of Allah and the Companion of the Prophet

Khalid ibn al-Walid, also known as “Sayyidina Khalid,” was one of the Prophet Muhammad’s most distinguished companions and a renowned military commander in Islamic history. Born in Mecca in 592 […]