SUKABUMI, WEST JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa, through its Education Waqf Program, has further expanded its productive waqf portfolio. In readiness to welcome new students, Dompet Dhuafa laid the first stone for the construction of a santri dormitory at Pesantren Tahfizh Green Lido on Friday (20/12/2024). This is a new step for Dompet Dhuafa in the waqf asset area of Pesantren Tahfizh Green Lido, Cicurug, Sukabumi.
The construction of this santri dormitory is not only a place to live, but also a center for learning and developing Islamic character. With facilities designed to support the needs of the students, this building is expected to create a conducive learning atmosphere and support the formation of a superior generation.

Prima Hadi Putra, Head of Dompet Dhuafa’s Waqf Investment and Development Institute (LPIW), explained that the dormitory is designed to accommodate around 500 tahfizh students, as part of Dompet Dhuafa’s commitment to supporting Quran-based education.
He said, this development was not only limited to dormitories, but would continue to add facilities as an effort to support the education of Tahfizh. The effort to build more and more facilities on this waqf land aims to support students to not only memorize the Qur’an, but also master broad knowledge.
“In addition to the construction of dormitories, Dompet Dhuafa’s Green Tahfizh Lido Islamic Boarding School will soon build a green house in an effort to increase the level of productivity of the tahfizh here,” he explained.

In addition to focusing on memorizing the Qur’an, Pesantren Tahfizh Green Lido also prepares students to continue their education to a higher academic level. This vision is in line with the objectives of the Umar Usman Education Foundation (YPUU) Dompet Dhuafa as the lead operator of education at the Green Lido Tahfizh Islamic Boarding School.
“We want to produce Qur’an memorizers who are not only religious experts, but also excel academically, the hope is that the students will be able to continue their studies to the best universities at home and abroad.” said Abdul Khalim, a representative of YPUU Dompet Dhuafa.

One proof of the success of this waqf-based program is Tsaqieburrahman Sabiluna, a teenager from Alor, East Nusa Tenggara. Despite his initial doubts, he managed to memorize 30 juz of the Qur’an in just a year.
“Here, I not only learn the Qur’an, but also foreign languages and agriculture. This experience is very valuable,” said Tsaqieburrahman.

Tsaqieburrahman and dozens of other students are currently staying in the As Saadah Mosque area, PTGL. The room that was supposed to be a hall is now a temporary sleeping place because there is no dormitory building. The hall they live in feels stuffy due to the lack of ventilation. Meanwhile, learning is done inside and in the hallway of As Saadah Mosque in PTGL.
Nevertheless, despite all these limitations, the enthusiasm of the students never dies. They continue to struggle, making limited facilities not a barrier to achieving their dreams of becoming Hafiz Quran.

The existence of boarding facilities and supporting facilities that are increasingly complete at the Green Lido Tahfizh Islamic Boarding School is focused on producing a young generation that is smart, noble, and ready to face global challenges. Help realize their dream of becoming Hafiz Quran here: Waqf to Build Quran Memorization Santri Dormitory. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photos: Anndini Dwi Putri, Rona, Aryo
Editor: Dhika