MALAYSIA — On Monday, March 18, 2024, Dompet Duafa’s Dai Ambassador, Al Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution Lc. M.H visited the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. He was welcomed warmly by Mr. Sofyan Iskandar as the staff of the Indonesian Embassy as well as the Rohis Management of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The initial purpose of Dai Ambassador to visit the Indonesian Embassy was as an envoy of Dompet Duafa’s International Dai. However, as the conversation progressed with Mr. Sofyan as a representative of the Embassy, he decided and set the schedule for Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution’s da’wah at the Embassy after studying Dai’s CV and background. Of course also with the permission and agreement of other staff who have the Authority.
At the Embassy itself, Tarawih prayers are not held every day. It is usually only scheduled once or twice a week. In the course of da’wah in Malaysia, Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution was scheduled to fill four times as Imam Tarawih and kulibas / Fifteen Minute Lectures. March 19, 22, 26 are the schedules of Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution as Dai Ambassador Dompet Duafa preaching. Beyond his expectations, his da’wah schedule was attended by hundreds of worshipers, including Mrs. Kiki Hermono, wife of Mr. Dato Indera Hermono, Indonesian Ambassador to Malaysia and all KBRI staff.
Of course the presence of Dai Ambassador Dompet Duafa can make the congregation and staff of the Indonesian Embassy in strengthening religious knowledge. They feel satisfied with the da’wah service from Dai Ambassador Dompet Dhuafa. This is clearly evident from the testimony given by Mrs. Kiki Hermono after attending the Tarawih Prayer congregation.
“The Imam feels good and it’s fun to hear his reading. His voice is good and his reading is good,” said Kiki Hermono.
Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution on his last schedule, April 4, 2024, again received a testimonial. This time it was from Mr. Sofyan, the staff of the Indonesian Embassy, who gave a statement in a similar tone. He revealed that the worshipers, especially the staff of the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, were satisfied with the contribution of Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution who carried out da’wah duties for some time at the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumnpur, Malaysia. Although it is not a full schedule during the month of Ramadan, the presence of the Dai Ambassador is considered to provide color for the Tarawih Prayer congregation.
“We are very happy and satisfied with Ustaz Ahmad Damsah Nasution’s da’wah service as a preacher from Dompet Duafa. We are happy to hear that he is also a memorizer of the Qur’an. Hopefully for the following years, he can be sent back to continue the silaturrahmi,” hoped Ali Kasim, one of the worshipers.
For Ustaz Ahmad Damsah himself, the experience of preaching at the Indonesian Embassy is an honor and glory that deserves to be immortalized in his historical record. Therefore, he is very grateful and grateful for the opportunity given by the Indonesian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to him. Of course, Dompet Duafa is also grateful for the warm welcome given by the Indonesian Embassy and the trust given to the Dai Ambassador in Ramadan 1445 AH. Hopefully in the future we can continue to work together in da’wah and other goodness. (Dompet Dhuafa)