Dai Ambassador 2024 Training Opens New Da’wah Doors

Pelatihan Dai Ambassador

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — In the early days of the development of Islam, the Prophet sent his companions to expand the scope of the message of Islam to various regions. His mission was to spread the message of peace as a religion that is rahmatan lil ‘alamin. This spirit is the inspiration for the Dai Ambassadors chosen by Dompet Dhuafa to broadcast Islamic values in foreign countries.

Ahead of Ramadan 1445 H, Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa) held a Dai Ambassador Training with the theme “Next Level Dakwah Dompet Dhuafa”. This activity is part of the preparation for 28 dai 3 daiyah who will be dispatched to 16 countries to spread the message of Islamic propagation. The destination countries include Australia, the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Luxemburg, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Suriname, New Zealand, New Caledonia, Thailand, Timor Leste, and Greece.

The training lasted for seven days, from March 1 to 7, 2024. This activity is a form of debriefing before the Dai Ambassador is assigned to various countries. Dai Ambassador itself is a Dompet Dhuafa ambassador who will be delegated to spread the wings of da’wah to Islamic minority countries.

Read also: The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: Discovering Islam in Sakura Country

Ahmad Juwaini pinning the scarf and giving the book “Dai Traveler” to the Dai Ambassador representative during the briefing on Sunday (4/3/2024).

Preaching to foreign countries is not just a duty, but a holy calling to shine the light of truth in the midst of the diversity of the world. Preachers strive to illuminate the world with wisdom in Islamic teachings, build a network of brotherhood between countries, and emphasize that diversity is a wealth that strengthens, not divides.

Da’wah to foreign countries is living proof that Islam is a mercy for all nature, sweeping across the earth, bringing the message of peace and truth to the hearts of those who are willing to accept it.

The Dai Ambassador training activities began with a medical examination of the preachers by the Dompet Dhuafa Free Health Service (LKC) Team, as a first step to ensure their health before attending the training.

Ustaz Ahmad Shonhaji pinning the scarf and giving the book “Dai Traveler” to the Dai Ambassador representative during the briefing on Sunday (4/3/2024).

Read also: Dai Ambassadors Depart for Da’wah Missions to 16 Countries during Ramadan 1445 H

It was opened by Juperta Panji Utama as Secretary of Yayasan Sumber Daya Masyarakat Indonesia (SDMI) and followed by Welcoming Speech by Ahmad Juwaini as Chairman of the Board of Yayasan Dompet Dhuafa Republika (YDDR). In his speech, Ahmad Juwaini motivated and strengthened the participants by arousing their enthusiasm and emphasizing the importance of the connection between fundraising and da’wah.

“Da’wah first before anything else, this Dai Ambassador is not only an ambassador of Islam, but also an ambassador of Indonesia and an ambassador of Dompet Dhuafa who has an important role in spreading good values,” he said.

The event was then inaugurated by embedding scarves and giving “Dai Traveler” books to two participants who will be placed in Suriname and Timor Leste. The pinning was carried out by Ahmad Juwaini and Ustaz Ahmad Shonhaji.

Juperta Panji Utama opened Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador Training.
Ustaz Ahmad Shonhaji pinning the scarf and giving the book “Dai Traveler” to the Dai Ambassador representative during the briefing on Sunday (4/3/2024).

Read also: Dompet Dhuafa Selects Dai Ambassadors from the South Sumatra Region for Ramadan 1445 H

The series of events continued with transformative da’wah material with the Head of the SDMI Foundation, Ustaz Ahmad Shonhaji. He strengthened the enthusiasm of the participants that da’wah is the obligation of every Muslim.

“Da’wah is the obligation of every Muslim, and through Dai Ambassadors it is hoped that the messages of truth can be conveyed properly,” said Ustaz Ahmad Shonhaji.

The first day of training was closed with material from Ustaz Ahmad Pranggono, a Dompet Dhuafa Dai, with the theme “Dompet Dhuafa Maintains Da’wah and Culture”.

“As preachers who will settle in the destination country, we always serve well, so that we become the best in spreading da’wah,” he added.

With the enthusiasm and knowledge gained from the first day of training, the participants are ready to step into a new role as ambassadors of Indonesian Islam and Dompet Dhuafa who are able to inspire many people. So that the meaning of #RamadanMendekatkan can be felt and more widely useful. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and Photo: Anndini Dwi Putri & Cordofa
Editor: Dhika Prabowo