JAYAPURA, PAPUA — Dompet Dhuafa Papua is rolling out various programs and activities to restore the condition of the victims of the earthquake disaster in Papua (gempa bumi di Papua). As is known, on Thursday (9/2/2023) at 15.28 WIT, the Jayapura area, Papua was shaken by a magnitude 5.2 earthquake. The epicentre is located at coordinates 2.5°LS 140.70°E or 1 km Southwest of Jayapura-Papua at a depth of 10 km. These earthquakes can be classified as shallow subduction earthquakes.
As the easternmost region in Indonesia, Papua Province has the potential for geological disasters that are quite vulnerable. Disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and floods often occur in almost all areas of Papua Province.
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The activity of the Indo-Australian plate in the south and the pacific plate in the north-northeast makes Papua Island, in general, always vulnerable to tectonic shifts. According to the 2021 Disaster Risk Index or Indeks Risiko Bencana (IRBI) report, the Jayapura region is in 10th position as the region with the highest disaster risk index.
It is known that the earthquake in Southwest Jayapura, Papua on Thursday resulted in 4,400 people or 990 families displaced, 4 victims died, and 20 people were injured. In addition, the earthquake shock affected as many as 252 houses, 54 educational facilities, 7 health facilities, 10 worship facilities, 11 government facilities, and 22 public facilities.
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In response to this disaster, Dompet Dhuafa Papua intensified various activities and programs through the Disaster Management Center (DMC). From Warm Posts, Medical Service Action, Logistics Distribution, to Psychological First Aid (PFA). The survivors need help in the form of hygiene kits, blankets, groceries, and baby supplies.
“In the future activity plan, we will implement the Public Kitchen, PFA, Health Service, Nutrition Post programs and alert the ambulance fleet,” wrote Umayra Maulida Sabatiyah as Head of Dompet Dhuafa Papua Region in a report received by DMC Dompet Dhuafa.
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One of the DMC Dompet Dhuafa Health Service Action areas is located at the evacuation site of Hamadi Village, South Jayapura District, Jayapura City.
“In Hamadi, survivor complaints are the most about ARI and Myalgia,” Umyara continued.
The Dompet Dhuafa Post is located at the Jayapura Mayor’s Main Post and the Dompet Dhuafa Papua Office, Jl. Tanah Hitam, Abepantai, Abepura District, Jayapura City.