Dompet Dhuafa’s Islamic Empowering Preacher in Southeast Sulawesi Holds Mass Circumcision for Tobimeita Children

Dai Pemberdaya Sultra gelar Khitan Massal

SOUTHEAST SULAWESI — Dompet Dhuafa Southeast Sulawesi, through the  Program of Islamic Empowering Preachers, held Free Mass Circumcision in Tobimeita Village, Abeli District, Kendari City, on Saturday (8/7/2023).

The event entitled “Mass Circumcision During School Holidays” was attended by 62 children of elementary school age (SD) and junior high school age (SMP). As for the medical treatment, Dompet Dhuafa involved nine health professionals from local hospitals and clinics.

In addition to carrying out mass circumcision, Dompet Dhuafa Sultra, through the program, also held circumcision socialization in the perspective of Islamic teachings and its health aspects.

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Dai Pemberdaya Sultra gelar Khitan Massal
Mass Circumcision Activities During School Holidays by Dompet Dhuafa’s Islamic Empowering Preacher in Southeast Sulawesi.
Dai Pemberdaya Sultra gelar Khitan Massal
Medical personnel performing circumcision on a child in Tobimeita Village, Kendari City accompanied by Preacher of Dompet Dhuafa.

The event organizer, Ainur Rafiq, an empowering preacher, explained that Dompet Dhuafa carried out this socialization to enforce and apply Islamic law, especially circumcision, which has become a predetermined thing for every male Muslim. In addition, this activity is also a means to educate the public that all Islamic sharia contains goodness, especially in the health aspect.

“Circumcision is one thing of Islamic law that applies to every male Muslim,” he said.

Dompet Dhuafa in Southeast of Sulawesi Program Manager Hasmin Roy Amin said this mass circumcision activity was a social and da’wah activity from Dompet Dhuafa in Southeast Sulawesi. In addition, this activity is also a routine program, especially in the pillars of da’wah and social.

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Dai Pemberdaya Sultra gelar Khitan Massal
Dompet Dhuafa’s Islamic Empowering Preacher in Southeast of Sulawesi is providing education related to circumcision to the community.
Dai Pemberdaya Sultra gelar Khitan Massal
Dozens of boys participate in mass circumcision activities during school holidays.

He added that Tobimeita Village is a target area of the preacher’s Program implemented by the Dai Dompet Dhuafa Corps Team (Cordofa) for one year.

“Hopefully, this free circumcision activity will be useful for the local community. We thank you for the participation of the community and the medical team involved,” the Manager said. (Dompet Dhuafa/Sultra/Muthohar)