BANDUNG, WEST JAVA — Located at Balai Rakyat Indonesia, Dompet Dhuafa Farmer Village, Cibodas, Bandung Regency, the Health Division of Dompet Dhuafa held an FGD (Focus Group Discussion) of the Indonesian Healthy Network with 50 participants from various partners and health volunteers. Taking place for two days, one night, on July 17—18, 2023, the cold air and beautiful scenery of the farmer area of the Farmer Village area added to the enthusiasm of the Indonesian Healthy Network FGD.
As the host, the Head of the West Java Dompet Dhuafa Branch, Andri, enthusiastically welcomed the participants present. In his speech, Andri said that Peasant Village would become an area of economic empowerment whose benefits are integrated with Edu tourism.
“There are 50 direct beneficiaries who have 1-2 picking employees who are also indirect beneficiaries. There are also farmers whose crops we absorb. There is also a seedling house cooperative. Packing houses usually produce one ton per day. This method is proof of usefulness. Our presence here at this time also wants to bring benefits and manage the dynamics of integrated health volunteering, “he explained.
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He also shared a little experience in accessing health services when accompanying his parents when he was sick.
“I was given an exam dealing with hospitals, and it turned out that many of them I still did not understand access to health facilities. I think many people do not understand this plot, not to mention that there are obstacles. Hopefully, holding the Indonesian Healthy Network FGD in this excellent Peasant Village in this informal atmosphere will produce something worthwhile. While enjoying nature, because to be healthy, we must also be happy, “added Andri.
In line with that, Juperta Panji, as Head of the Health Philanthropy Division of the Dompet Dhuafa Integrated Healthy Home Foundation, said, “We map ourselves again, adjust the role. This forum becomes a forum for meetings, exploration of all possibilities, and unlimited discussion. Necessary because of the importance of low-income people in accessing health needs. This overflow of requests is something that must be observed together. We hope that when people are an important component of this country, we need healthy people.”
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They continued by discussing the purpose of using ambulances, namely assistance for patients with acute, chronic and pre-hospital emergency diseases, evacuation of patients with stabilized emergency conditions from the scene to the place of definitive action or the hospital, and as a referral vehicle between hospitals. Ambulance services, as an integral part of health services, especially medical evacuation services, must be carried out according to service standards and meet security and safety requirements.
“We’re back to basics, and it’s about building spirit, relationships and communication, networking. The basis is to realize that this value underlies our passion for helping patients. This moment is an enhancer of enthusiasm, spreader of usefulness, an energy booster, a joint movement,” concluded Heri, Sibulan Health Partner (Siaga Ambulance).
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In the event, there were speakers in the discussion session, namely dr. Yeni Purnamasari MKM as GM of Integrated Healthy Home Health. A representative from the Ministry of Health, dr. Yayan Gusman MKM and P3KD DKI Health Office explained the Ambulance Service Governance and Jamkeswatch representatives explained the National Health Insurance Advocacy. (Dompet Dhuafa/Dhika Prabowo)