SULAWESI SELATAN — Dompet Dhuafa Sulawesi Selatan held a graduation ceremony for the Halaqah Qur’an Forum or Forum Halaqah Qur’an (FHQ) at the An Najm Mosque, Pondok Pesantren Tahfidzul Qur’an Roudhotul Huffadz (PPTQ-RH) Jeneponto Regency, Sunday (8/1/2023).
FHQ An Najm Jeneponto students from various groups attended the graduation ceremony. 98 students (santriwan/santriwati) became graduates, including 29 Hamalatul Qur’an students and 69 Qur’an proficient students.
The graduation procession was also attended by parents and a new group of FHQ An Najm. In addition, it was also attended by stakeholders of Jeneponto Regency, including the Regional Secretary of Jeneponto Regency, Chairman of the DRPD, Head of the PKK driving team, Head of the PMD Office, and Head of the Jeneponto Regency Education Office.
Dompet Dhuafa Sulsel Branch Head Rahmat Hidayat HM said, through this FHQ program, it is hoped that it will give birth to students who have a quranic character. In addition, with the graduation of these students, they will one day become useful students in the community where they live.
FHQ, initiated by CORDOFA (Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa) and Dompet Dhuafa South Sulawesi, is one of the developed da’wah programs in Jeneponto. Furthermore, this FHQ is also a place to open cooperation with the local government to continue to develop the da’wah program in Jeneponto Regency (Kabupaten Jeneponto).
Also Read: Seribu Santri di Jeneponto Semangat Mengaji FHQ Dompet Dhuafa
Currently, there are around 1,400 students who have joined the FQH group from Janeponto and Bantaeng. They belong to a wide range of groups, from government officials to civil society.
“Through this da’wah activity, it is hoped that the people of Jeneponto and Bantaeng will continue to increase their love for the Quran,” Rahmat exclaimed. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)