Among the voluntary prayers in Islam, the Hajat prayer has an important position. This prayer is performed to complete the hajat (need) of a Muslim. Even so, the Hajat prayer is not the same as the fard prayer. However, it can be a way to invoke the Almighty Allah so that our wishes are granted.
Hajat Prayer
The five daily prayers must be done every day as long as a Muslim is alive. It is different from voluntary prayers, such as Istikharah prayers, Tahajud prayers, Penance prayers, Hajat prayers, and others. However, these voluntary prayers are recommended to be done, especially the Hajat prayer.
Hajat prayers are sunnah muakadah or highly recommended sunnah prayers. One important thing about the Hajat prayer is the prayer after the prayer is performed. Because, these prayers are believed to be granted by Allah SWT. Why? Because, someone who runs this prayer and prays to Allah tends to be in a state of solemnity.
Khusyuk means surrendering with humility and earnestness. This is because he knows that he will be asking Allah Swt, the One True God, for something that he desperately needs. The One who can do something that seems impossible for humans. By performing the Hajat prayer, an attitude of tawakal or surrender is reflected and only hopes in Allah alone. This shows that a person recognizes his dependence on Allah SWT.
Indeed, Allah does not need us to pray to Him. However, we are the ones who really need His help and guidance. And the Hajat prayer is one of the recommended acts of worship to be done when a Muslim needs His help.
“And seek help from Allah with patience and prayer; indeed, such is hard, except for those who are devoted.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 45)
Huzaifa (radhiyallahu’anhu) narrated that the Prophet (saw) said: “Whenever a matter became serious, the Prophet turned to prayer”. (HR. Abu Dawud)
“Whoever performs ablution and does it properly, then prays two rak’ahs, Allah will grant what he prays for, sooner or later.” (HR. Ahmad)
Read also: Prayer of Repentance, a Step Towards a Clean Heart and Allah’s Forgiveness
The Virtue of Hajat Prayer
Hajat prayer also has its own virtues in Islam. Here’s a list of the virtues of praying Hajat, complete with sources:
- Prayer After Hajat Prayer Fulfilled
Hajat prayer is a means to ask Allah so that our needs or needs can be granted by Allah SWT. This is stated in the Qur’an:
“And when My servants ask you about Me, then (answer), that I am near. I grant the supplicant’s request when he asks Me.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 186)
- Close to Allah
Performing Hajat prayers is a form of acknowledgment that we only depend on Allah. By doing so, our spiritual bond with Allah Swt will thicken. Saying prayers in the Hajat prayer shows that only Allah can provide help in every difficulty that comes in our lives.
“Prayer is worship.” (HR. Abu Dawud)
- Faith Strengthens
Performing this sunnah prayer can strengthen faith and the belief that Allah hears every prayer. In various fiqh literature, the recognition of Allah’s power is at the core of this worship.
“The Prophet said: ‘Verily prayer is a weapon for the believer, a pillar of religion, and the light of heaven and earth’.” (HR. Al-Hakim)
- Increased Spiritual Awareness
This prayer helps us get closer to Allah and increases our awareness of the importance of prayer and surrender.
“Verily, Allah is ashamed if His servant raises his hand to Him, then He leaves it empty.” (HR Ahmad)
- Prosperity and Happiness
Performing Hajat prayers means believing that Allah will answer our prayers. Thus, this belief is in accordance with the principle that every act of worship is a way to get closer to Allah Swt. If we put our trust in Him, then our lives will be calmer and happier.
- A Blessed Sunnah
Hajat prayer as a voluntary act of worship is rewarded by Allah. In fiqh books, such as Fiqh Sunnah by Sayyid Sabiq, it is explained that sunnah worship brings spiritual benefits and rewards or gifts from Him. These gifts also include blessings that we will feel in our daily lives.
Read also: 4 Practices After the Fajr Prayer That You Don’t Want to Miss
Here is the procedure for performing the Hajat prayer:
- Make ablution before starting the prayer
- Intention for the Hajat prayer: Ushallî sunnatal ḫâjati rak’ataini adâ’an lillâhi ta’âlâ.
- Pray 2 rak’ats
- After the prayer, recite salawat and praise Allah Swt.
- Recite as many tasbih as possible, followed by shalawat.
- At the end, pray the Hajat prayer according to what you need.
There is no doubt that Allah Swt is Merciful and Compassionate, Hearing the Prayers of those who ask Him with strong faith and belief in their hearts.
“Abu Hurairah (radhiyallahu’anhu) reported that the Prophet (saw) said: ‘There is nothing more beloved to Allah than supplication’.” (HR. Tirmidzi and Ibn Majah)
Before praying, you also need to pay attention to a number of things. These include:
- Maintain cleanliness, dress neatly, and fulfill the adab as other prayers.
- Choose a prayer place that is clean and away from noise and distractions
- Maintain full concentration when praying, along with a strong belief in His attributes of being Merciful and Kind, as well as asking Him with humility and gentleness.
Read also: Sadaqah When It’s Hard: Strengthening Faith, Opening Doors to Sustenance
Doa Hajat
Menurut riwayat, Nabi Muhammad Saw telah menetapkan bentuk permohonan atau doa kepada Allah Swt sebagai berikut:
“O Allah, I ask you for the merits of your mercy, the rewards of your forgiveness, the rewards of your forgiveness, freedom from all righteousness, and safety from all wrongdoing; leave me no sin but forgiven, no trouble but relieved, and no need but satisfied, O most merciful of the merciful.
Allaahumma innii as’aluka mujibaati rahmatika, wa ‘azaa’ima maghfiratika, wal-ghaniimata min kulli birrin, was-salaamata min kulli itsmin laa tada’ lii dzanban illaa ghafartahu, wa laa hamman illaa farrajtahu, wa laa haajatan hiya laka ridlan illaa qadlaitahaa yaa arhamar-raahimiina.
“There is no God but Allah, the Mighty, the Wise. There is no God but Allah, the Most High, the Most Mighty. Glory be to Allah, the Lord of the great ‘Arsh. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. I ask You (O Allah) for everything that leads to Your mercy, and Your great forgiveness, enrichment in all goodness and freedom from all sin. Leave me not a single sin, unless You forgive it, and leave me not a single distress, unless You create for him a way out, and leave me not a single need, unless You fulfill it, O Most Merciful.” (HR. Tirmidhi)
Read also: Sadaqah When It’s Hard: Strengthening Faith, Opening Doors to Sustenance
In addition to praying Hajat, we can also accompany this worship with charity. Because, alms can bring more sustenance. Friends, we may intend charity to get other sustenance, but don’t make it our only goal for charity. May Allah Swt always give us His guidance to pray in the most correct way. Aamiin… (RQA)