JAKARTA — In collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa and jadibaik.org, Autoride held a joint meet-up (kopdar) at the beginning of the 2nd year on Saturday (4/3/2023). Autoride itself is one of the media journals of two-wheeled and four-wheeled. Previously, this meet-up (kopdar) had been held in 2022 and managed to collect hundreds of motorcycles participating in this activity.
The collaboration between Autoride and Dompet Dhuafa in this activity aims to strengthen friendship and solidarity between biker communities by creating a real impact for those in need. You do this by inviting them to participate in a campaign of kindness for others. The campaign in this meet-up (kopdar) includes Autoride’s care of the Turkish earthquake, Alms 1000 Al Quran with Autoride, and Autoride’s care of orphans.
“Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa invites Autoride to also participate in the kindness movement so that this is not just a gathering, but there are benefits and impacts,” said Dimas Muttakhin, Dompet Dhuafa’s Community Fundraising Specialist.
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The campaign was strengthened by using a jadibaik.org portal that facilitated the donation process from bikers and the public who attended this event.
The joint meet-up (Kopdar), located in the Middle of Creative Space, Cijantung, East Jakarta, is also supported by a bazaar from Eastside Market. This event is a form of supporting the MSME economy. This bazaar is crowded with visitors from Thursday (2/3/2023) to Sunday (5/3/2023). In addition, this event was also enlivened by a music performance from The Costum to make the atmosphere more relaxed and fun.
On the “jadibaik” Talk show, Dimas said that Dompet Dhuafa always sees the potential for goodness in each human being. This event includes the biker friends, as evidenced by his high solidarity. So, of course, every human being, even the community, must have a good side.
“The hope is that solidarity and a real impact can be given. Therefore, we make a kind of donation for Türkiye, orphans, and alms of the Quran. Hopefully, bikers’ friends will have one channel for their social mission, such as through jadibaik and Dompet Dhuafa,” said Dimas.
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“Hopefully, Autoride can collaborate with Dompet Dhuafa again to hold social activities. Autoride also hopes that there will also be much participation from bikers’ friends to donate by setting aside their sustenance in this charity activity,” explained Maston.
Furthermore, Maston also expressed his gratitude for organizing this event.
“Thank God the event went smoothly. In terms of event quality, it is also much better than the previous Autoride combined meet-up (kopdar) event. Thank you to the bikers who have revitalised the joint meet-up (Kopdargab) event this time. Also, for Dompet Dhuafa and jadibaik.org, Eastside Market and Central Cijantung,” he concluded.
“This event is exciting because it is open to the public. We can also stay in touch with the community and be able to add relationships,” said Ezra, one of the bikers from the HVC (Honda Vario Club) community who attended this event.
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He also said that Dompet Dhuafa has collaborated with his community since last year to carry out a social mission.
Through this event, Autoride and Dompet Dhuafa collected donations totalling Rp1,124,000. This donation will later be distributed per the campaign, namely the Turkish Earthquake, Al-Quran Alms, and orphans. It is hoped that the donations collected can be one of the positive impacts of the existing series of activities to help our brothers and sisters who are more in need. (Dompet Dhuafa/Awalia R)