Jakarta: On the second day of the Indonesia Giving Fest (IGF) Zakat Expo 2022 on Saturday (24/12/2022), Dompet Dhuafa presented the Dompet Dhuafa Annual Report 2022 and a Plenary Talk Show from local heroes Dompet Dhuafa. In the Plenary Talkshow segment, Dompet Dhuafa presents five local heroes from its five pillars, namely the pillars of education, social, economy, da’wah and culture. These local heroes share their experiences and inspirational stories in empowering people.
The talk show session presented Ade Rukmana, a beneficiary of Desa Tani. Riyati, a teacher from remote areas of the Meranti Riau Archipelago. Nurul Hidayah, a Midwife for the Country, Darwina as a Homepreneur. Ahmad Muhajirilah, Dai Bina Santri Lapas and Saefullah, a preacher who graduated from Bina Santri Lapas. In addition, this talk show was also attended by three cross-professional responders.
Local heroes from the economic pillar carry the theme of Empowerment in their Land with speaker Ade Rukmana from the Farmer’s Village Program. Ade shared his experience and explained the development of Cibodas Farmer Village, which now has 10 hectares of agricultural Land. Until now, said Ade, Desa Tani continues to innovate so that more and more young farmers can continue their work in agriculture in Indonesia.
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“The current production rate is 40-60 percent. We can slowly educate so that the younger generation is more compassionate towards nature towards agriculture as well. Because, yes, the fact is no farm, no food, that is what Mang Ade hopes for generations to grow to continue the struggles in agriculture,” said Ade.
On this occasion, the Dompet Dhuafa Farming Village program also won the 2022 Zakat Awards for the Best National Economic Program category.
Meanwhile, in the education sector, Dompet Dhuafa presents Riyati, a transmigrant teacher from Java who has changed the lives of remote hamlets where most residents are illiterate. He settled in the Meranti Islands, Riau and opened an evening school for the children of Bandaraya Hamlet, a Remote Local Village.
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At first, Riyati had doubts about whether she could take part in educating the nation’s life and developing education in the interior. However, with strong determination, Riyati managed to send one of her students to study at Smart Ekselensia Indonesia.
“Through education, with religion, they can become human beings who are actually human. Hopefully with the help from Dompet Dhuafa there will be assistance from the Indonesian Literacy School (SLI) and other assistance as well, facilities and infrastructure, especially in the hinterlands, in Meranti,” hoped Riyati.
No less challenging than Riyati, the struggle of a midwife named Nurul who risked her life in the interior of Gowa, South Sulawesi also deserves a thumbs up. She comes from the Midwives for the Country program initiated by the Free Health Service (LKC) Dompet Dhuafa. In her service, Nurul has struggled to reduce maternal and infant mortality and stunting cases in Rannaloe Village, Gowa, South Sulawesi.
“Through education, with religion, they can become human beings who are human. Hopefully, with the help from Dompet Dhuafa, there will be assistance from the Indonesian Literacy School (SLI) and other assistance as well, facilities and infrastructure, especially in the hinterlands, in Meranti,” hoped Riyati.
No less challenging than Riyati, the struggle of a midwife named Nurul, who risked her life in the interior of Gowa, South Sulawesi, also deserves a thumbs up. She comes from the Midwives for the Country program initiated by the Free Health Service (LKC) Dompet Dhuafa. In her service, Nurul has struggled to reduce maternal and infant mortality and stunting cases in Rannaloe Village, Gowa, South Sulawesi.
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Taking cobbled roads in mountainous locations prone to landslides did not discourage Nurul from becoming a lifesaver. Even though sometimes it becomes a burden for Nurul, she still provides innovation and broader utilization of health.
Meanwhile, in the social field, an inspiring story comes from a mompreneur, Darwina. This formidable woman has a noble desire to change the destiny of women in Indramayu to have a decent and empowered life. It is known that Indramayu Regency is the city that sends the most foreign migrant workers to Indonesia.
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Thanks to assistance from Darwina, 1,600 MSMEs are developing in the region, and recently one of them even exported products to South Korea.
“I have a dream that our district no longer sends migrant workers, especially women, but instead sends superior products in our area,” said Darwina.
In the field of Dakwah and Culture, there is a story of a Muslim preacher assisted by the Dompet Dhuafa Prison who continues to open the gates of repentance behind bars. Delivering da’wah in social institutions, which in this case are convicts, is a separate task for Ahmad Muhajirilah whether the inmates accept it or not.
Ahmad Muhajirilah and Saefullah, as residents assisted by Santri Lapas, shared their stories in the talkshow session.
“Alhamdulillah, all this time I have devoted myself, the presence of Bina Santri Lapas is needed by our brothers and sisters in social institutions. Bina Santri Lapas Dompet Dhuafa is collaborating with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights to guide all prisons in Indonesia. One of the programs yesterday we just implemented Islamic preacher cadre education. We have the motto ‘From Prisoners to Dais’,” said Ahmad. Muhajirilah.
Three cross-professional responders responded to the six inspirational stories of their struggles across the country: Hendra Khalid, Sharia Economic Expert, UIN and IIQ Academician Aliah Lestari Sayuti, who also shared her experience collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa and Fazri Rizkiya, Executive Producer MNC Trijaya Network.
“So, of the five presented before us today, what can we do for Indonesia to progress, one of which is through zakat? Zakat has an extraordinary effect. It can increase large zakat. If the zakat is large, then the consumption is large. Then if the consumption is large, the production is large. Finally, if the production is large, the employment opportunities will also be large. Ultimately, we dream of Indonesia becoming a big country advanced through zakat. Everyone must move together,” said Hendra Khalid.
The talk show session was closed by handing placards to the speakers and responders given directly by Rahmat Riyadi, Chair of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation, Prima Hadi Putra, Director of Business Operations & Support, and Yayat Supriatna, Secretary of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation. (Dhuafa Wallet/Anndini Dwi Putri)