Is it Obligatory to Give Donations for the Deceased?


The death of a human being has become a decree of Allah Swt recorded in lauhul mahfudz, no creature can resist its arrival. When death comes, all affairs in the world are cut off, grief envelops the families and relatives left behind.
The mourners then come to visit the house of the deceased while giving strength and comfort to the family left behind. In addition, the mourners will usually also give donations commonly called sorrow money or takziah money to the families left behind.
This has also become a tradition for most people, especially in Indonesia. In Islam itself, takziah is a sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. Men, women, children and adults are all encouraged to attend takziah when someone dies.

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However, in Islam what is the law of giving donations for the deceased, is it obligatory or not? Check out the following explanation.

The Ruling on Giving Money to the Deceased

Providing assistance to the families of the deceased in order to comfort and alleviate their suffering is one of the things recommended by the Prophet Muhammad. According to Ash Sharia, this is mentioned in the hadith about the story of the death of Ja’far bin Abi Talib radhiyallahu ‘anhu , the Prophet Muhammad said:

“Make food for Ja’far’s family. Indeed, they are afflicted by a matter that preoccupies them.” (At-Tirmidhi no. 998 and Ibn Majah no. 1610)

From the above Hadīth, it can be concluded that the family of the deceased is entitled to receive the help given to them, only if someone helps them, not if they ask for it. Even so, in this case only Allah knows the truth.

Donation money during takziah itself has been very attached to the community, giving rise to the habit of providing a charity box or a place to collect money for sorrow by the family of the deceased. Although the intentions and goals are good, this habit needs to be rethought. The reason is, in Islamic law there is no guidance to intentionally prepare a charity box in order to collect donations. It is feared that this action may fall under the category of intentional begging, which is prohibited in Islam.

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The prohibition for Muslims to beg is mentioned in the Prophet Muhammad’s hadith: “Whoever begs people to increase their wealth has indeed asked for the coals of hellfire. He may either minimize or increase.” (HR Muslim no. 1041)

Thus, it can be interpreted that all donations given by people who visit directly to the family of the deceased without the intermediary of a charity box, may be accepted and utilized by the family. Inshallah, this does not come under the heading of heresy.

On the other hand, donations made by the mourners to a charity box that the family of the deceased has deliberately set up should not be used by the family, out of an abundance of caution. It is better to use the money for the public good.

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With regard to whether it is obligatory to give money to the deceased, Shaykh Bin Baz, a great scholar of Saudi Arabia, issued a fatwa: “The Sunnah is to make food for them (the family of the deceased) if it is convenient.”

Making food for the family of the deceased is the most advisable thing to do. On the other hand, giving money in charity is not prescribed, unless the family of the deceased is poor and needy. The money should not be given at the time of the takziah, but at another time. The money is given because of their poverty and need, not because of the death of their family member. This fatwa of Shaykh Bin Baz is from Kitab ath-Thaharah wa ash-Shalah, Fatawa wa Maqalat Shaykh Abdul Aziz bin Baz 2/413.

However, giving to those in need is highly recommended by Allah for all His people. Giving in charity can prolong our life and erase our sins. For friends who want to give but are still confused about where to channel it, Dompet Dhuafa can be an option. You can give easily through the link below. There are many programs from Dompet Dhuafa that you can choose to channel your kindness.