JAYAPURA, PAPUA — Together with the Big Family of Indonesian Islamic Students (KB PII) Papua, Dompet Dhuafa through the Empowering Mosque Collaboration Program (KMP) held the Congress of Empowering Mosques in Abepura, Jayapura. Taking place on June 14-16, 2023, as many as 90 mosque administrators were present at the Papua Regional KMP event. They represent 45 mosques in the City and Regency of Jayapura, Tolikara Regency, and Kerom Regency.
This activity is a continuation of the previous event, a workshop on improving the quality of human resources and improving the economy of mosques carried out by KB PII Papua.
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“Now we synergize to invite the National KMP Management to be able to explain practical ways to make the mosques in Jayapura City like empowering mosques that have succeeded in providing more benefits to the community around the mosque,” explained Ustaz Imam Alfaruq as Secretary General of KMP National.
The event was attended by Ustaz Muhammad Jazir ASP as the Board of Trustees of the National KMP as well as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Jogokaryan Mosque Yogyakarta and Kusnadi Ikhwani as Chairman of the 1st National KMP and Chairman of the Board of Management of Masjid Al Falah Sragen Central Java. In the KMP executive element, Andi Juliandi, as Chairman of the National KMP and Secretary of the Darussalam Kota Wisata Foundation, was present, and Ustaz Imam Alfaruq, who was also the Head of the Strategic Alliance Department – MPZ ZL Dompet Dhuafa.
After motivational and inspirational material from Ustaz Muhammad Jazir and Kusnadi Ikhwani regarding the work of Jogokaryan Mosque and Al Falah Sragen Mosque in maintaining the consistency of empowering mosques, the Chairman of the National KMP and the Secretary-General jointly led the KMP Forum for the formation of the KMP Formation Team, whose task was to form the management structure of the KMP Papua Region.
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“Alhamdulillah, a Formation Team of 20 participants was formed, representing each region in most areas of Papua Province,” concluded Ustaz Imam. (Dompet Dhuafa/MPZ)