BOGOR — The Human Development Institute (LPI) Dompet Dhuafa is well aware that collaborations are the most important core in the movement of an organization. Therefore, to celebrate the 19th milad which falls on July 29, 2022, LPI Dompet Dhuafa celebrated with the theme “One Harmony, Build Collaboration” on Thursday (27/7/2023) in the LPI area in Parung, Bogor.
LPI Dompet Dhuafa has a vision of realizing an empowered Indonesia through a quality education model. This presents a quality education model to produce superior and strategic human resources in every condition. In the 19th milad, LPI is expected to strengthen synergy while establishing an ecosystem of collaborationAction between beneficiaries, alums, LPI DD personnel, and stakeholders to provide quality education.
“This Milad is also a step forward for LPI in embracing great works to spread wider benefits,” explained Rahmad Riyadi, Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation who was also present at LPI’s 19th Milad.
For 19 years, LPI Dompet Dhuafa has continued to develop quality education from elementary to higher education intended for various levels of society based on funds sourced from zakat, infak, alms, and waqf (Ziswaf). In addition, there are also other sources of funds such as halal social funds, both from individuals, groups, institutions, and companies.
At least, there are nine main programs that LPI Dompet Dhuafa has presented to produce superior generations of the nation. Among them are SMART Ekselensia Indonesia, Etos ID, Bakti Nusa, Ekselensia Tahfizh School, Indonesian Teachers School (SGI), Indonesian Literacy School (SLI), Youth Ekselensia Scholarship (YES), SD Pengembangan Insani, PAUD Pengembangan Insani, and Makmal Pendidikan. More than 50,000 people have become beneficiaries of these programs.
One day before the Milad celebration event, namely Wednesday (26/7/2023), LPI held a healthy walking event. All SMART Ekselensia Indonesia students, Ekselensia Tahfizh School students, and LPI employees attended this event.
Also read: 13 Tahun Berbakti untuk Negeri: DMC Dompet Dhuafa Perkuat Kolaborasi
This Jalan Sehat event is a form of depiction of the spirit of all LPI personnel to continue to spread benefits for the people of Indonesia, especially marginalized communities. In addition, this series of events is also an effort to strengthen and strengthen the relationship and synergy between Dompet Dhuafa and the community. (Dompet Dhuafa/LPI/Muthohar)