Papua Shaken by 263 Aftershocks Post the M 4.9 Earthquake

PAPUA – According to data from the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) wilayah V Jayapura (in the V region of Jayapura), until today (4/1/23) there have been 263 aftershocks recorded since the earthquake on Monday. Previously, an earthquake of magnitude M 4.9 shook Central Mamberamo Regency, Papua Province, Monday (2/1/23) at 03.24 WIT.

BMKG Jayapura analysis shows that the earthquake’s epicentre is located at the coordinates of 2.47° LS and 140.68° E, or precisely located on land, which is 13 KM Northeast of Jayapura with a depth of eight (8) KM.

By paying attention to the location of the epicentre, said Yustus Rumakiek, Head of the Jayapura BMKG Region, hypocenter depth and fault mechanism, the earthquake that occurred was a type of shallow earthquake due to local fault activity passing through the Jayapura City area.

The M 4.0 earthquake was felt by people in Jayapura City with an intensity scale of II-III MMI and when inside the house, the vibration felt as if a truck was passing by, added Yustus Rumakiek.

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Yustus Rumakiek, urged the public to remain calm and not be affected by issues that cannot be accounted for.

“Avoid buildings that are cracked or damaged due to earthquakes and check and make sure residential buildings are sufficiently earthquake resistant, or there is no damage from earthquake vibrations that endanger the stability of the building before returning to the house,” Rumakiek said.

According to data from the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Papua Province, it was revealed there were no casualties and the total losses caused were still in the assessment process.

But there are some building damages such as Swissbell Hotel (ceiling collapse) lightly damaged, Horison Jayapura Hotel (tile floor damaged) lightly damaged, Sunni Abepura Hotel (broken wall, broken glass) lightly damaged, Provita Hospital (collapsed wall tiles) lightly damaged, Jayapura Mall (cracked wall) lightly damaged, Mayor’s Office (cracked building wall) lightly damaged, and RM. B.ONE Jayapura (broken glass wall) was lightly damaged.

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Until now, residents around the coast have chosen to evacuate to relatives’ homes and around their respective residences.

“Not long after there was news of the earthquake here, we (Dompet Dhuafa Papua) 2 people went directly to the crime scene, then this morning 3 people followed. Hopefully, there will be no casualties and residents are still displaced around the location because there is no displacement,” explained Umayra Maulida as Head of the Dompet Dhuafa Papua Branch and Head of LKC Dompet Dhuafa Papua.

The Joint Response Team consisting of the Jayapura City TRC, Jayapura City BNPB, TNI POLRI, Dompet Dhuafa Disaster Management Center (DMC), Saka Wira Bakti, RAPI, and Orari, patrolled and urged residents around the coastline to remain calm and not to be provoked by widespread hoax news related to the tsunami and wait for the latest information from BMKG and the government.