JAKARTA — Nothing is truly eternal in this life. Wealth, position, even life itself is only temporary. Everything that is owned in the world is just a deposit that will eventually be left behind. However, behind the transience of the world, there is one place that is eternal, full of peace, and eternal happiness. Heaven is the highest goal for every believer, a place where all good deeds in the world will be rewarded with infinite pleasure. To reach it, preparation is needed with charities that are favoured by Allah Swt, one of which is waqf.
Waqf is an extraordinary form of almsgiving, the rewards of which continue to flow even after we are gone. It was this belief that moved Ferdiansyah, one of Allianz Syariah‘s insurance customers, to channel his waqf through Dompet Dhuafa. Ferdiansyah made his waqf pledge on Sunday (17/11/2024) at Sasana Budaya Rumah Kita Room, Filantropi Building, South Jakarta.
As a waqf insurance partner, Allianz Syariah in collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa offers the Insurance Benefit Waqf programme, which allows policyholders to allocate a portion of their insurance benefits to be endowed.
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Apart from providing protection, the advantage of Waqf Insurance Benefits is that we can use sharia life insurance to perform waqf worship that can be distributed after the policyholder dies. Through this programme, customers can allocate 1-45% of the total insurance for waqf in accordance with the agreement between the policyholder and the waqf nazhir (waqf management institution).
Based on the MUI National Sharia Council Fatwa Number 106/DSN-MUI/X/2016 on Waqf of Insurance Benefits and Investment Benefits in Sharia Life Insurance, it is regulated that the limit of assets that can be waqfed is 45%, while in the Waqf Law it is 1/3 of the assets.
The collected waqf funds will be channelled to nazirs that have been registered with the Indonesian Waqf Board (BWI). The nazir will channel the waqf funds for social, worship, education, or humanitarian purposes.

Ferdiansyah donated the money for the Healthy for All Waqf Programme. For him, health issues have a very important urgency in this country.
‘I decided to channel my waqf later which was facilitated by Allianz Syariah Indonesia, I decided on Dompet Dhuafa because I like the free hospital programme. So health is still an important issue in this country, so the presence of the Integrated Health Centre from Dompet Dhuafa is very helpful for the community so they can get more decent health facilities,’ he explained.

Through the Healthy for All Waqf Programme, Dompet Dhuafa is here to serve poor patients through seven waqf-based hospitals spread across Indonesia, one of which is Dompet Dhuafa Integrated Hospital (RST).
‘It’s a really good hospital, quite proper and worthy to be said as a healthy house,’ added Ferdi.
Waqf is a seed of goodness that is planted timelessly. Its rewards continue to flow, like a life-giving river. With waqf, the benefits continue to be felt by many people, thus not only sowing kindness in this world, but also preparing provisions that continue to illuminate the journey in the hereafter.
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Hopefully, Ferdiansyah wants this jariyah charity not only to benefit others, but also to be a way for him and his family to achieve the pleasure of Allah Swt.
‘Of course, through this waqf, which, Alhamdulillah, I already know that waqf is part of the alms of jariyah, where the rewards will continue to flow even though the waqif is already in the grave, so I hope that this waqf charity can be a benefit for me and my family. Hopefully later the waqf funds utilised by Dompet Dhuafa in this Integrated Healthy House, God willing, can increase the weight of the family’s good deeds, so that it can help us to enter heaven,’ explained Ferdiansyah to Dompet Dhuafa. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: Fitin Agustin and Anndini Dwi Putri
Editor: Dhika