BEKASI, WEST JAVA – Thousands of Bekasi residents participated in a healthy walk event organized by Radio Elgangga on Sunday (17/9/2023). The event, titled “Bekasi Festival for Independence” (Fesbuk), was further enriched by various Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and entertainment acts. Dompet Dhuafa also took part, introducing their Mobile Kitchen Program (Darling) and offering free health services through the DD Clinic.
Bambang, the coordinator of Dompet Dhuafa’s Darling program, mentioned that Darling attended the Fesbuk event and provided 200 meal packages for the participants of the walk.
“The enthusiasm for Dompet Dhuafa’s Darling was palpable from the long queue and the food that was quickly consumed that morning,” he remarked.
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In the midst of this queue, a mother and her child received one of the meal packages. They were identified as Rani and her daughter, Anggi (5). The mother smiled brightly, expressing her gratitude towards Dompet Dhuafa.
“I am deeply thankful to the donors and Dompet Dhuafa for their involvement in the Fesbuk 2 event,” she commented.
Conversely, the DD Clinic presented free health services, including blood sugar and cholesterol checks, among others. At least 60 people availed themselves of this health service for post-walk check-ups.
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“A significant number of individuals came this afternoon to make use of the health services provided by DD Clinic during the Fesbuk 2 Radio Elgangga event. Many were keen to know their cholesterol and blood sugar levels. Yet, of the roughly 60 individuals who underwent health check-ups, a majority exhibited high cholesterol levels,” reported Marliani, the head of DD Clinic. (Dompet Dhuafa/PR)