MEDAN, NORTH SUMATERA- The Youth Ekselensia Scholarship (YES) is a flagship program launched by Dompet Dhuafa to provide opportunities for students throughout Indonesia to develop their leadership potential and academic abilities. Through this scholarship, beneficiaries not only receive financial assistance to support their education, but also receive training facilities and experiences that help them prepare to become strong future leaders.
The Young Leadership Festival (YLF) competition is one of the main platforms for the beneficiaries of this scholarship to showcase their abilities in various fields, while honing the skills that are needed in the world of leadership. The YLF competition provides a space for them to not only compete, but also to grow and inspire others, with the hope of becoming agents of change in the future.
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The successful Young Leadership Festival Regional Medan is part of Dompet Dhuafa’s efforts to find and prepare qualified future leaders. The event not only aims to test participants’ abilities in various categories, but also to select the best delegates who will represent Medan in the national level competition to be held on January 17-19, 2025 at Villa Bukit Pinus, Bogor.
At this competition, participants are given the opportunity to showcase their skills in various areas involving leadership, communication, and creativity. YLF is designed to provide valuable experience for the participants, while nurturing the spirit to continue to develop and excel at a higher level. Through this activity, Dompet Dhuafa hopes to find individuals who are not only competent, but also have integrity and strong character to face future challenges.
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In this year’s Medan Regional YLF, the competition was divided into four categories, each with its own challenges. The categories were Public Speaking, Creative Video, Life Plan and Career Plan (LPCP), and Tahfidz and Hadith. Each category was designed to test participants’ skills in communicating, planning for the future, as well as understanding and memorizing religious values that become the foundation of life.
The winners of this year’s Medan Regional YLF competition were Reinal Zunni for the Public Speaking category, Kadarusman with a score of 97.5 for the Life and Career Plan (LPCP) category, Rohana Syifa with a score of 97.5 for Creative Video, and Ayu Shilmi with a score of 97.5 in the Tahfidz and Hadith category. They showed tremendous dedication and hard work to achieve these wins, and are now ready to compete at the national level. Their achievements reflect not only their individual abilities, but also their passion to represent Medan and North Sumatra with pride.
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Sulaiman, as Branch Manager of Dompet Dhuafa Waspada, congratulated all the winners of YLF Regional Medan 2024 and encouraged them to compete at the national level. Sulaiman hopes that the representatives from Medan who will appear in the national level competition can continue to maintain their champion spirit and show the quality of the participants.
“Hopefully they can win at the national level and bring great benefits, and make North Sumatra proud in the eyes of the nation,” said Sulaiman, hopefully.
Sulaiman added that this success does not only belong to the winners, but also to all participants who have participated in the YLFini competition. Because, through this competition, they have all shown commitment and enthusiasm to continue learning, developing, and honing themselves.
In addition to giving appreciation to the winners, Sulaiman also motivated the participants who had not won. He emphasized that winning is not everything, the most important thing is the learning process that has been undertaken and the experience gained during the competition.
“For those who have not succeeded, don’t be discouraged. Keep up the spirit, keep practicing, and don’t stop improving. We are sure, you all have great potential that will one day be proven,” said Sulaiman.
He invited all participants to support Medan representatives who will compete at the national level and hoped that this spirit of togetherness can be maintained in an effort to realize common goals.
Overall, YLF Regional Medan has provided many benefits, not only for the participants, but also for the people of North Sumatra in general. This competition provides a space for young people to showcase their talents and abilities, and prepares them to become reliable leaders in the future.
Through the Young Leadership Festival, Dompet Dhuafa continues to be committed to building a young generation that is full of integrity, has social care, and is ready to face global challenges. With the YES Scholarship and YLF competition, scholarship recipients have ample opportunities to develop and contribute positively to society and the nation. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: DD Sumut, Syafira
Editor: Ronna