Rice Project Wins Schoolunteer Contest

JAKARTA — The Dompet Dhuafa Volunteer (DDV) Schoolunteer Program is back this year. Interestingly, the finalists who were included in the top 5 (five) competed with ideas at the Jakhumfest 2023 event at Pos Bloc, Pasar Baru, Jakarta, Sunday (29/1/2023).

The five finalists are SMPN 262 (Jakarta) with its projects, namely the Flood Water Treatment System (FLTS), Budi Agung High School (Medan) with its projects, namely Rumah Ngaji Peduli Lingkungan (RaNgKul), SMKN 1 (Lampung) with its projects, namely Realizing the Dreams of Small Fighters, Madrasah Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah (Yogyakarta) with its project, namely Adolescent Health Secure Social Interaction or Kesehatan Remaja Amankan Sosial Interaksi (KREASI), and MA Madania (Yogyakarta) with its project, the Rice Project.

They kindly and in detail, gave such a stunning presentation to the judges. The judges were Arif Rahmadi Haryono as GM of Strategic Alliance and Advocacy, Udhi Tri Kurniawan as GM of Branch Development and Independence, and Taufan Yusuf Nugroho as SO Public Relations.

All three judges responded. 
Madrasah Mu’allimin Muhammadiyah (Yogyakarta) presented its project and won 2nd place in the Schoolunteer Contest.

One name that finally came out as the champion was MA Madania (Yogyakarta) with its project, namely the Rice Project. This project is about managing rice waste in the school foundation area.

“We are initiating this because we often see in our school district a lot of rice is scattered and wasted,” explained Al Ma’ruf Awawi, one of the members of this project.

National DDV Coordinator, Fajar explained, DDV initiated the Schoolunteer program to produce a generation of volunteers at the school level. More fully, this idea of kindness competition is specifically for volunteers at the junior and senior high school student level in Indonesia to create a better surrounding environment in various forms of competition.

RaNgKul (Rumah Ngaji Peduli Lingkungan) won 3rd place in the Schoolunteer Contest.   
Rice Project presented their project.

After holding the first Schoolunteer in 2021-2022, this year Schoolunteer comes with a more diverse competition. The good idea can come from humanity, environment, culture, health, education, flora, fauna and so on.

Dompet Dhuafa, through the judges, agreed to choose Rice Project as the champion because this project is considered to be able to answer various challenges to the reality in society. In addition to this project talking about waste management, this project community also actively initiates activities that can increase the economic value of waste in the community.

“This is an advantage for the Rice Project, and it is hoped that this can inspire other youth groups to also come up with similar ideas,” said Udhi.

On the eve of the champion’s announcement, this event was interspersed with performances from Angklung Pendidikan and Marge from West Java (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)