RSU Sufina Aziz Foundation Appreciates DD Farm North Sumatra Livestock Center


NORTH SUMATRA — Head of the Sufina Aziz Medan RSU Foundation, Sutan Abdul Aziz appreciates the existence of the North Sumatra Dompet Dhuafa (DD) Farm livestock center located in Bulu Cina Village, Hamparan Perak District, Deli Serdang Regency, on Monday (8/5/2023).

This appreciation emerged, said Sutan, regarding the management of zakat funds managed productively by Dompet Dhuafa.

“I think this is very good, especially this is the source of zakat funds which are then managed into jobs also for the community here,” he said.

Also Read: Dorong Peningkatan Keahlian Peternak, YBM PLN Gandeng DD Farm Gelar Pelatihan Peternakan

RSU Sufina Aziz visited Dompet Dhuafa Farm in North Sumatra.

Sutan and the Sufina Aziz General Hospital group who were present some time ago also saw livestock and cages with more than 1,000 heads.

Sutan also feels that the existence of DD Farm can provide convenience for the community’s needs. 

“As it takes akikah, then later for the feast of sacrifice, I think this is very good,” he added.

Sutan hopes that in the future, DD Farm can develop to continue to help mustahik.

“Hopefully, in the future, this program can continue to progress and develop, more animals, and more can be helped,” said Sutan.

Also Read: Dompet Dhuafa dan RSU Sufina Aziz Pugar Masjid di Deli Serdang

Head of RSU Sufina Aziz Medan Foundation, Sutan Abdul Aziz (right) and Head of Dompet Dhuafa Waspada Branch (North Sumatra) (left).

For this appreciation, the Head of the Dompet Dhuafa Waspada Branch (North Sumatra), Sulaiman expressed his gratitude to RSU Sufina Aziz.

“We thank you for the appreciation given, the arrival of the Sufina Aziz RSU group is also an honour for us,” he said.

It is known that so far, the Sufina Aziz RSU routinely distributes zakat, infak, and alms through Dompet Dhuafa Waspada.

Sulaiman also expressed his hope that the cooperation between the two can continue in the future.

 “We hope that our cooperation continues, especially in the field of social humanity as previously done, so that together we help people in need,” he concluded. (Dompet Dhuafa/Waspada)