Supporting the Comfort & Quality of Worship, BIONS by BNI Sekuritas and Dompet Dhuafa Distribute Prayer Equipment to Remote Mosques

Simbolis penyaluran bantuan sajadah yang diberikan oleh Tim Dompet Dhuafa kepada perwakilan Masjid Al Majid, Lampung Utara.

LAMPUNG — A total of 150 prayer mat donations were distributed by Dompet Dhuafa to beneficiaries in remote mosques of the Dompet Dhuafa Waqf Program through synergy with BNI Sekuritas in the BIONS Berbagi Ramadan 2024 Program. There are three remote mosques that received the distribution of these prayer mats, including Al-Majid Mosque Bukit Kemuning, North Lampung; Al-Barakah Mosque Cianjur, West Java; and Nurul Bakti Mosque South Solok, West Sumatra.

BIONS is BNI Sekuritas Innovative Online Trading Systems. A digital technology-based online trading system platform designed to provide services for transacting various types of investment instruments in the Indonesian Capital Market.

Through the BIONS Berbagi Ramadan 2024 Program for the period March 1 to March 30, 2024, BNI Sekuritas sets aside IDR 10 thousand from each transaction of new or existing customers with a minimum transaction of IDR 5,000,000 (five million rupiah). Alhamdulilah, the funds collected during this period were channeled as sadaqah jariyah through the prayer mat distribution program to the beneficiaries of remote mosques.

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Representative of DKM Masjid Al Majid Lampung Utara, Ust. Muhsinin (right) received the distribution of BNI Sekuritas prayer mats that will be distributed to the mosque congregation on Thursday, October 10, 2024.

The remote mosques that are prioritized to receive the distribution of prayer mats are mosques that have different backgrounds. Al Majid Mosque in North Lampung is a waqf-based house of worship that can become a new icon in the Bukit Kemuning area. Standing on an area of 1.7 ha, the mosque not only functions as a place of worship, but also becomes a place for the surrounding community to stop by due to its geographical location on the cross-Sumatra route.

Muhsinin as the Imam of the Mosque, welcomed the distribution of BNI Sekuritas prayer mats. Met by the Dompet Dhuafa team on Thursday (10/10/2024), he said, “Thank you to Dompet Dhuafa and BNI Sekuritas for the prayer mat waqf given, hopefully this will all be a jariyah charity and God willing, it will be useful in the world and to the hereafter”.

The congregation of Al-Barakah Mosque, Ranca Picung, Cianjur welcomed the new prayer equipment.

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In another area, Al-Barakah Mosque located in Ranca Picung, Cibulakan Village, Cugenang, Cianjur Regency also received a good welcome. The mosque was affected by the Cianjur Earthquake in 2022. Now, thank God, good donations from Dompet Dhuafa donors are flowing, with the hope that the Al-Barakah Mosque will rise again. With the donation of BNI Securities prayer mats, it certainly complements the facilities of the Al-Barakah Mosque.

The earthquake survivors were very grateful when they received the prayer mats. In 2023, the people of Ranca Picung Village are still struggling to recover from the earthquake. Every day they live in makeshift tents, so for prayer purposes, worshippers use makeshift prayer mats and mukenahs. Thanks to the new prayer mats from BNI Sekuritas, the congregation of Al Barakah Mosque can pray with clean worship tools.

“Thank you very much to Dompet Dhuafa and BNI Sekuritas for donating prayer mats for the Al-Barakah Mosque, Cibulakan Village, Cianjur. This is very useful for all of us, for the residents of Ranca Picung Village, and hopefully it will be a charity for BNI Sekuritas and also the Dompet Dhuafa team. Hopefully we can all benefit from what has been given to us,” said Ustazah Nina, one of the beneficiaries of the prayer mat.

Symbolic distribution of prayer mat assistance provided by the Dompet Dhuafa Team and received directly by Ustazah Nina from representatives of the Al-Barakah Mosque, Cianjur.

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The team then moved to Nurul Bhakti Mosque in Jorong Lubuk Rasak, Nagari Persiapan Lubuk Gadang Tenggara, Sangir District, South Solok Regency, West Sumatra. This mosque is a remote mosque whose construction was never completed due to lack of funds.

The existing mosque is no longer suitable for use. Despite the condition of the makeshift mosque, daily worship activities are still carried out and the call to prayer is still echoing at the five prayer times. The beneficiaries of the Nurul Bhakti Mosque warmly welcomed the prayer mats that were given, which are certainly very useful to support worship in the mosque.

Thank you to all donors and BNI Sekuritas for the benefits of the BIONS Sharing Ramadan Program in distributing mosque mats in remote areas. Hopefully the collaboration between BNI Sekuritas and Dompet Dhuafa will continue to strengthen cooperation in providing a positive impact on beneficiaries. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Rika and Fitin
Editor: Dhika Prabowo