The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: Carrying out Da’wah Tasks in Suriname

Dai Ambassador Suriname

SARAMACCA, SURINAME — As Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador, this is the first time for Achmad Fauzi to spend Ramadan in a foreign country. Suriname became his destination country in carrying out this preaching task. Studies after the obligatory prayers became his daily preaching menu at Al Furqon Mosque in Saramacca, Suriname.

Ustaz Achmad Fauzi revealed that today’s study, Tuesday (12/3/2024), was something extraordinary for him. Because, there were six male and female worshippers who enthusiastically attended the study after Zuhr and Asr given by him that day. Why was it extraordinary? Because everyday the study at Al Furqon Suriname Mosque is only attended by one or two worshippers.

Ustaz Ach Fauzi gives a study after the obligatory prayer at Al Furqon Mosque in Suriname.

‘Alhamdulillah, the number of worshippers has increased. Hopefully, the congregation of Al Furqon Mosque can continue to istikamah. This time I delivered a study on the theme of maintaining cleanliness (purity) when we face Allah Swt at taklim after Zuhr. Then after Asr the theme of the study is arkaanul wudhu and how to practice it. Because there are still not many who understand the arkaanul wudhu,’ explained Ustaz Achmad Fauzi via text message.

Read also: The Story of Dai Ambassador 2024: An Enchanting Spiritual Oasis at Al-Anwar Mosque in Incheon, South Korea

The congregation at Al Furqon Mosque enthusiastically listened to the study of Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador, Ustaz Ach Fauzi.
The congregation at Al Furqon Mosque enthusiastically listened to the study of Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambassador, Ustaz Ach Fauzi.

Apart from conducting studies in the mosque, Ustaz Ach Fauzi is also directly involved in social activities in Saramacca, Suriname. Upon his arrival, he attended the funeral ceremony of a local Muslim and socialised with local leaders in the area.

Tuesday, 12 March 2024
Ach Fauzi, Dompet Dhuafa’s Dai Ambasaador