Sustenance is a gift from Allah SWT. And basically, sustenance is only a deposit that can be taken back by Him at any time. For this reason, as humans we do not need to be protective or excessively pursue sustenance. Because, Allah has arranged it for us. What needs to be done is to try and pray to Him to be given sustenance. Allah has also explained 8 doors of sustenance in the Qur’an, what are they?
The Door of Sustenance According to the Quran
Allah Swt has guaranteed sustenance for all living things on this earth. He has promised that no creature will lack sustenance. This is stated in the verse of the Qur’an:
“And there is not a creeping thing on the earth but Allah provides for it, and He knows the place where it dwells and the place where it is stored. It is all written in the Book that is manifest (Lauh mahfuzh).” (QS. Hud: 6)
Even in difficult and difficult circumstances, Allah has guaranteed our sustenance through various intermediaries. Starting from the intermediary of the employer, the intermediary of the buyer of the merchandise, the intermediary of the fertility of our land that grows a variety of flora and fauna, to the intermediary of generous people who like to give.
For that, Friends, don’t worry about facing shortages. Because, as long as we keep moving and trying, Allah will definitely provide sustenance for us.
Read also: Here are 8 signs that your sustenance is full of blessings
1. The Door of Sustenance Opens because of Effort
‘And that a man can obtain nothing but what he has laboured for, and that the labour will be revealed (to him).’ (QS. An-Najm: 39-40)
Allah has indeed guaranteed the sustenance of all creatures, but He will also see how far we try. Currently, our country is facing economic conditions that are arguably quite bad. Low purchasing power, limited job opportunities, expensive food prices, and so on. This condition is certainly squeezing most of the people.
Although the situation looks very bad, Insha Allah, as long as we keep moving and trying, Allah will open the door of sustenance and give it to us. Because, that has become His promise. So, keep making efforts, friends!
2. The Door of Sustenance Opens because of Beristighfar
Famine conditions, crop failure, erratic weather, may occur because humans overexploit natural resources. Doing a lot of damage, without any effort to fix it back. Allah says.
‘So I said to them: “Ask forgiveness of your Lord (istighfar), surely He is the Most Forgiving, surely He will send you rain in abundance, and multiply your wealth and children, and make for you gardens and make (therein) for you rivers.”’ (QS. Nuh: 10-12)
If we do a lot of bad things, then our sustenance will be hampered. Therefore, multiply istighfar, asking Allah for forgiveness. Accompany it with efforts to improve yourself. Allah guarantees the sustenance of those who seek forgiveness.
3. Sustenance Expands because of Gratitude
People who have a miserly nature or are too stingy, even towards themselves, will always feel less sustenance. In fact, Allah promises that sustenance can come many times over if we are grateful to Him.
‘And (remember also), when your Lord announced: If you are grateful, We will surely increase (favours) to you, and if you deny (My favours), then surely My punishment is very painful.’ (QS. Ibrahim: 7)
Read also: 9 Ways to Increase Sustenance in Islam, Abundant and Blessed
4. Unexpected Sustenance
When we surrender and put our trust in Allah, depending only on Him, sustenance can come at unexpected times and from unexpected directions. When we need it the most, but have difficulty finding a way out. Allah will always fulfil our needs.
“And give him sustenance from where he does not expect it. And whoever puts his trust in Allah, Allah will fulfil his needs. Verily, Allah does what He wills. Verily, Allah has made provision for every thing.” (QS. At-Thalaq: 3)
5. The Door to Sustenance Opens by Getting Married
The door to sustenance according to the Qur’an also comes because of marriage. When we decide to get married, Allah will fulfil our sustenance. This is explained by Allah in the Qur’an surah An-Nur:
“And marry those who are alone among you, and those who are worthy (of marriage) of your male servants and your female servants. If they are poor, Allah will enable them by His grace. And Allah is vast (in His provision) and All-knowing.” (QS. An-Nur: 6)
6. Sustenance for Having Children
During the time of the Prophet, there were many cases of infanticide motivated by the fear of poverty. Especially girls, because they are considered weak people, because they cannot work physically as strong as men. Thus, parents in Arabia thought that raising them was a burden to themselves.
“And do not kill your children for fear of poverty. We will provide for them and for you. Indeed, killing them is a great sin.” (QS. Al-Isra’: 31)
The above verse explains that children can be a door to sustenance. So, we don’t need to fear poverty when we have children.
7. Sustenance Comes because of Piety
‘…whoever fears Allah, He will open a way out for him.’ (QS. At-Talaq: 2)
Through the above verse, Allah confirms that whoever fears Him in every situation, He will surely open a way out for him from all difficulties. Being pious here means that one is fully aware of Allah’s presence in every aspect of life. Thus, the person will carry out His commands, stay away from His prohibitions, and always act in accordance with His will.
When a person puts his trust in Allah, then Allah will carry out and complete the affairs of that person according to His iradat nature, at the appointed time.
Read also: Sadaqah When It’s Hard: Strengthening Faith, Opening Doors to Sustenance
8. The Door of Sustenance through Charity
The last door of sustenance according to the Qur’an is charity. When we give alms, Allah will compensate us by multiplying the value that we give alms sincerely. Almsgiving can connect the relationship between muzaki and mustahik. And can help the mustahik to make a living.
“Whoever wants to give a loan to Allah, a good loan (spending his wealth in the way of Allah), then Allah will multiply the payment to him with a large double. And Allah narrows and widens (provision) and to Him are you returned.” (QS. Al-Baqarah: 245)
Sadaqah Makes Wealth Blessed
Those are the eight doors of sustenance promised by Allah Swt in the Qur’an. For that, you don’t need to worry about lack, because there are many ways to get sustenance. Sustenance is not just a matter of material, but includes all things that bring benefits and goodness.
Almsgiving is one way to open the door to sustenance. This will not make you poor, it will make your sustenance multiply and blessed. Therefore, we should not be miserly towards others. And … most importantly, channel your alms to a place that can be trusted. Dompet Dhuafa can be a place to channel your alms because it has proven to be trustworthy and credible as well as transparent. For Friends who want to give alms easily and practically, you can click the banner below!
Kiki nodded, she shouldn’t be so miserly, especially about alms. Aminah explained about Dompet Dhuafa, as an institution that can be trusted to channel alms. Well, if you want to give alms immediately, you can click the banner below!