UI Students Explore Implementation and Benefits of Ziswaf at Dompet Dhuafa

Kegiatan kuliah Hukum Zakat dan Wakaf mahasiswa UI di Aula Sasana Kriya dan Budaya, Gedung Filantropi, Kamis (31/10/2024).

JAKARTA — In order to learn the practice of management and distribution of zakat, infaq, sadaqah, and waqf (Ziswaf) funds managed by Dompet Dhuafa, a number of University of Indonesia (UI) students visited the Philanthropy Building as well as held a Lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law at the Sasana Kriya and Budaya Dompet Dhuafa Hall, Thursday (31/10/2024).

A total of 20 students from the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (FHUI) attended the event. There were also four students from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) who participated, considering that Islamic Law courses at UI are cross-departmental.

Kegiatan yang dipimpin langsung oleh Dosen Bidang Studi Hukum Adat & Islam FHUI, Farida Prihatini, merupakan bagian dari Satuan Acara Perkuliahan (SAP) mata kuliah Hukum Islam UI, juga untuk melengkapi materi yang telah didapatkan sebelumnya.

Dalam hal ini, Dompet Dhuafa juga mengundang Mitra Pengelola Program (MPP) Dompet Dhuafa untuk memaparkan program dan praktik baik yang dimiliki masing-masing yayasan, antara lain Yayasan Pendidikan Umar Usman (YPUU), Yayasan Wirausaha Indonesia Berdaya (YWIB), Yayasan Sumberdaya Masyarakat Indonesia (YSMI), dan Yayasan Rumah Sehat Terpadu (YRST).

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Lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law for UI students at Sasana Kriya and Budaya Hall, Filantropi Building, Thursday (31/10/2024).
Deputy Director of Corporate Secretary of Dompet Dhuafa, Dian Mulyadi, delivers a speech during a lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law for UI students at Sasana Kriya and Budaya Hall, Filantropi Building, Thursday (31/10/2024).

Dian Mulyadi as the Deputy Director of Corporate Secretary of Dompet Dhuafa opened the Ziswaf lecture agenda by welcoming the students who attended. Dian explained that Dompet Dhuafa is present in various regions as a representation of the Indonesian people.

Since 1993, Dompet Dhuafa has pioneered the modern zakat movement. In the past, zakat was generally distributed directly at the mosque, but Dompet Dhuafa brought a new concept, making zakat more organized and useful for the community with the motto “From Mustahik to Muzakki”.

“Hopefully this sharing session can provide insight into how zakat is managed modernly, professionally, so that it can have a sustainable impact,” Dian said.

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In this two-hour lecture, it was explained how each pillar of Dompet Dhuafa is able to answer community challenges while empowering them to become more independent. In the economic field, for example, Dwi Tanty as Senior Officer of the Economic Program explained the concept initiated by Dompet Dhuafa, namely Filantropreneurship.

Dompet Dhuafa seeks to realize the idea of Filantropreneurship, namely by optimizing Ziswaf funds as the basis for productive economic activities. In addition, Filantropreneurship also combines the concepts of philanthropy and entrepreneurship.

UI students actively learn about Ziswaf during a lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law in Sasana Kriya and Budaya Hall, Filantropi Building, Thursday (31/10/2024).
UI students actively learn about Ziswaf during a lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law in Sasana Kriya and Budaya Hall, Filantropi Building, Thursday (31/10/2024).

While in the field of education, GREAT Edunesia was born from one of the programs of the Umar Usman Education Foundation. The foundation actively provides access to education to various levels of society, especially for those in difficult economic conditions.

The program with the tagline “Empowering Education” has a vision to create a just, civilized, and prosperous society through empowering educational philanthropy. Departing from the belief that to build a good civilization, the basis is in the field of education. Thus, education must be able to empower and change the fate of the nation’s life.

The activity then continued with material presentation from two other foundations, namely YSMI and YRST. In addition, there was also a presentation on waqf literacy.

Lecturer in Customary & Islamic Law Studies at FHUI, Farida Prihatini, delivers a speech during a lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law for UI students at Sasana Kriya and Budaya Hall, Filantropi Building, Thursday (31/10/2024).
Lecture on Zakat and Waqf Law for University of Indonesia (UI) students at Sasana Kriya and Budaya Hall, Filantropi Building, South Jakarta, Thursday (31/10/2024).

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Farida Prihatini, Lecturer in Customary & Islamic Law Studies at FHUI, hoped that participants could better understand the implementation of zakat and waqf and their benefits. In addition, she also encouraged them to spread this understanding, especially to their families, so that the knowledge can spread in the community.

“We do have a course on Zakat and Waqf Law, so in the Unit of Study, there is a visit to an institution related to zakat and waqf institutions. Well, we chose Dompet Dhuafa because it has been established for a long time and is well known to the public and its performance is also good. So, (Dompet Dhuafa) can be an example and a place of learning for students. So, not only know the theory, but in what kind of implementation. So they know the benefits of zakat and waqf for the community, “said Ida.

One of the students who attended was Nabila Wasilah Rahmi, a fifth semester Law student at UI.

“I really like today’s class, because I really saw it firsthand. Because in class we learn the Law of Zakat and Waqf, so directly it is actually implemented at Dompet Dhuafa, which is already focused on zakat and waqf. Because indeed, in class we (learn) in theory, but it turns out that when explained by people who are experts in zakat and waqf, it turns out that the implementation is different. Those are things that we don’t get in class, so we actually really like going directly to the experts here,” said Nabila. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Anndini Dwi Putri
Editor: Ronna