Worthy of Being Imitated, This is the Most Important Behavior of the Prophet Muhammad Saw

Ilustrasi Rasulullah Saw - sifat nabi muhammad saw yang patut diteladani

Do not let the era of ignorance or jahiliah return to this earth. It is undeniable that the era of advanced technology in the present has made morality fade, even hedonism is used as a lifestyle. We need to realize that this world is only temporary and the eternal is the hereafter. Friends, continue to adhere to Islam and emulate the characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad Saw, so that we can survive this mortal life.

For that, let us remember the best qualities of the Prophet Muhammad Saw and emulate them. Inshallah, our lives will not easily go astray.

Characteristics of the Prophet Muhammad Saw

As we know, the Messenger of Allah (saw) was born in the age of jahiliah. Misguidance was everywhere. The Prophet, from childhood to adulthood, always wondered why his people acted this way (criminal, hedon, violent, etc.).

Even so, the Prophet was very fortunate because Allah protected him from every act of ignorance and from worshipping idols. The Prophet also promoted and encouraged people to become better people by setting an example that could be seen firsthand.

Here are some characteristic of the Prophet Muhammad that we can apply in our daily lives:

The Prophet’s Trustworthy Character

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is loved and emulated by many people because since childhood he has shown honesty, love for others, gentleness, and other noble characters. From the beginning, the Prophet was known for his honesty and trustworthiness (al-amin), his prophetic message was welcomed by the Quraysh, although many did not believe him.

Although the Prophet had many enemies in Makkah, he remained famous for his reputation as al-amin (honest and trustworthy). From a young age, the Prophet was different from his people in terms of character, habits and worship.

The Prophet loved his people very much and they felt the same. He could also feel the strength of their friendship and kinship. He was very merciful and gentle to them.

Read also: History of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday, its origin and development

Once upon a time, Prophet Muhammad participated with his people in renewing the building of the Kaaba. He helped his uncle Abbas to move the stones. When his people wanted to put the Hajar Aswad in its place, they argued about who deserved the glory and the dispute almost ended in a battle.

Abu Umayah b. Mughirah al-Mahzumi, a wise man, was not moved by this situation. But with all his wisdom, he exclaimed, “O my people, enough of this dispute. Let us appoint a mediator. Let the one who laid this stone be the first to enter the mosque today.”

The people accepted this suggestion. Moments later, the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) appeared calmly and stepped into the Grand Mosque. Seeing this, the people welcomed him with joy. They felt that the Prophet was very worthy to do this noble work. His honesty, modesty and nobility of character made them ashamed not to approve of him. They said, “He is al-amin, we are happy with his decision”.

Characteristics of a Merciful Prophet

There are five noble attributes of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. This is explained in surah At-Taubah:

Indeed, there has come to you a Messenger from among your own people, heavy with grief, anxious for you (faith and salvation), merciful to you, and compassionate toward those who believe.” (QS. At-Taubah: 128)

The five attributes are min anfusikum (from your own people), azizun (the burden they carry), harishun (desire to believe), and the fourth and fifth attributes are raufun rahimun (forgiving and merciful).

One example of the Prophet’s merciful nature is also narrated in Islamic history, namely when the Prophet was passing through the Taif area and the residents there pelted him with stones. Seeing this incident, an angel came to the Prophet and felt sad for what had happened to the Prophet.

The angel offered vengeance for the people of Taif and wanted to throw a mountain at them. However, the Prophet refused the angel’s offer. He did not want to avenge the evil that was inflicted on him. Instead of taking revenge, he prayed for them.

“I actually want the opposite. I hope that one day from them will be born people who always walk on virtue and no one commits shirk,” replied the Prophet.

When this prayer was heard, Jibril could not understand and could not contain his admiration for the Prophet. The admiration came out of Jibril’s mouth in the form of praise, “It is true that people call you a very merciful person”.

This was also the case during the conquest of Mecca. This event was very humane even though it violated the Arab tradition of war with bloodshed, looting, and others. However, the Prophet’s compassion was greater in this case, so there was no revenge.

This bloodless revolution gave birth to monumental wholeness and peace and the victory of the Prophet Muhammad. A new era in Mecca had arrived. An era in which Islam was present to fulfill the physical and spiritual needs of Muslims.

Helping is included in compassion for others as exemplified by the Prophet Muhammad Saw.

Listen to Others Before Making Decisions

Rasulullah Saw always applied the leadership theories he conveyed in his daily actions. One of the leadership concepts that he promoted was self-awareness as a leader.

During this time many people do not realize that he is a leader who has duties and responsibilities. Rasulullah Saw also always decided all the problems he faced by way of deliberation and consensus.

The Prophet did this because he obeyed the command of Allah Swt as stated in surah Ali ‘Imran:

“It is from the mercy of Allah that you are gentle with them. If you had been harsh and harsh-hearted, they would have distanced themselves from you, so forgive them their trespasses, ask forgiveness for them, and consult with them in their affairs. Then, when you have made up your minds, put your trust in Allah. Verily, Allah loves those who put their trust in Him.” (QS. Ali ‘Imran: 159)

In addition, the Prophet Muhammad PBUH also did not recognize the caste system between subordinates and superiors in his leadership. Everyone is positioned equally and has the same opportunity to provide suggestions and opinions on a problem, as long as it is in accordance with applicable rules and guidelines.

One other thing that is also important is that the Prophet calls his subordinates as friends, not as subordinates who can be treated arbitrarily.

Read also: Reflection on Prophet’s Birthday, Becoming People with Moral Social Empathy

Treating Humans Equally

The Prophet never discriminated against status, all were considered and treated equally. We can see how the Prophet treated his best friend, namely Bilal bin Abi Rabah who was originally a slave and Anas bin Malik who was a slave. Rasulullah was even very close to them.

Not only fellow Muslims, even to non-Muslims the Prophet was very appreciative and respectful. It is narrated that the Prophet often fed poor blind Jews who were on the outskirts of the market. When people avoided the person, the Prophet was not disgusted to feed him with his own hands and full of tenderness.

Allah created us differently so that we can understand each other. The only difference recognized by Allah is piety.

“O mankind, indeed We created you from a man and a woman and made you into nations and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the noblest among you in the sight of Allah is the most pious among you. Indeed, Allah knows best.” (QS. Al-Hujurat: 13)

Caring for the Poor and Orphans

The trait of the Prophet Muhammad PBUH that is most remembered by his people is to love and care for orphans and the poor. In a hadith, the Prophet said:

Ya Allah, make me live and die as a poor man and gather me with the poor.” (HR. Tirmidhi)

No wonder then that the Prophet gave great attention to the poor and loved them wholeheartedly.

This is as narrated in the Book of Al-Barzanji by Sheikh Ja’far bin Husin bin Abdul Karim bin Muhammad Al-Barzanji, page 123, “He loved the poor, sat with them, visited those who were sick, prayed for their bodies, and never insulted the poor.”

The Prophet also loved orphans so much that he said in a hadith about the honor of the guardians of orphans.

The guardian of an orphan and I are like these two fingers (he pointed to the middle and index fingers).”

Based on the above Hadith, it can be concluded that the Prophet Muhammad was very compassionate and concerned about orphans. In fact, he honored the caregivers of orphans by showing his closeness to the caregivers of orphans.

Friends, let us continue the noble qualities of the Prophet Muhammad Saw in our daily lives, in order to create a better environment and life. You can also help glorify orphans like the Prophet Muhammad with Dompet Dhuafa. Through the sustenance you provide, they can fulfill their daily needs to access education to a high level! *RQA