Successful Amil Certification Degree, Dompet Dhuafa Graduates 174 CADP 2022 Participants


Bogor – Dompet Dhuafa held the graduation ceremony of the Certified Amil Development Program (CADP) 2022 at Darmawan Park Sentul, Bogor, on Wednesday (28/12/2022). CADP is one of the agendas to increase the capacity of members of the Zakat Management Partner (MPZ) and the National Service Zone (ZLN) of Dompet Dhuafa.

Dompet Dhuafa formed CADP through the MPZ and ZLN Departments under the Strategic Alliance and Advocacy division. This program aims to create excellent, competent, and professional amyl. Professional in a sense, understands the jurisprudence and management of ZIS and waqf in-depth, able to apply it in daily ZIS collection and management activities, and mandates.

 “In 2022, Dompet Dhuafa, through the MPZ and ZLN Departments, will implement the CADP agenda with the hope of focusing more on producing competent amyls who can increase the productivity of humanitarian performance throughout Dompet Dhuafa’s strategic network,” said GM of Dompet Dhuafa Strategic Alliance, Arif Rahmadi Haryono.

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Certified Amil Development Programme (CADP) 2022 at Darmawan Park Sentul, Bogor.

Before finally graduating, CADP participants have gone through a series of Capacity Building for three months since October 5, 2022, with 14 Teaching and Learning Activities (KBM) meetings conducted in a hybrid manner, both offline and online.

Two hundred forty registered to participate in this amyl certification program, but only 205 participants were selected. The selected participants have gone through a file selection mechanism and are committed to following the CADP 2022 agenda seriously and thoughtfully. Furthermore, of the 205 participants who took part in KBM every week, only 190 participants passed the CADP Final Exam, which was held on Saturday (21/12/2022).

Almost 90 percent of participants who meet the qualifications can take the CADP Final Exam. The active participation rate of CADP participants can be said to be very remarkable. This rate is inseparable from the creativity of the facilitators, who always assist all CADP participants in each group so they can complete this certification education.

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Furthermore, out of 190 participants in the CADP Final Examination, 174 participants were selected who were declared to have passed the CADP Final Exam and were entitled to participate in the CADP Graduation, which was held hybrid at Darmawan Park Sentul, Bogor. One hundred five participants across Indonesia, including Padang, West Sumatra to Ternate, and North Maluku, attended the graduation face-to-face. At the same time, the rest participated in the CADP Graduation online.

The 2022 CADP Graduation Ceremony was opened with remarks from the CADP Executive Person, namely Ustaz Imam Alfaruq as Head of the MPZ and ZLN Dompet Dhuafa Departments, followed by remarks from Arif Rahmadi Haryono as Head of the Dompet Dhuafa Strategic Alliance and Advocacy Division, and ended with comments by the Chairman of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation Management, Rahmat Riyadi.

 After the speech, the CADP Graduation was opened with a prayer reading by KH Wahfiuddin Sakam, always a member of the Sharia Supervisory Board of Dompet Dhuafa. The core event of the CADP 2022 Graduation procession is a Public Lecture delivered by Prof. Dr Muhammad Amin Suma, MA, followed by the handover of the CADP 2022 Certificate and the CADP 2022 medal necklace for all graduates.

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One of the CADP 2022 participants from Semarang after graduating and getting a CADP certificate.

On this occasion, Amil Visionary Jamil Azzaini, a National Motivator, and the Supervisory Board of the Dompet Dhuafa Foundation and Eri Sudewo, one of the Founders of the Dompet Dhuafa Republika Foundation, were also present. Both were present to provide motivation and supplies for the participants. In addition to the participants and guests, the presenters and assessors who tested the participants in the 2022 CADP Final Exam were also present in this activity.

For information, CADP 2022 is the first CADP event after, two years earlier, Dompet Dhuafa successfully implemented the Amil Nadzir Development Program (ANDP). ANDP has the same goal as CADP, which is to increase the capacity of Amil Zakat and Nazir Waqf.

The participants of CADP 2022 looked very happy after graduation.

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Furthermore, CADP will become a routine annual agenda with the hope of producing excellent, professional, and competent amils, so that it can support government programs in optimizing the ability to absorb the potential of zakat funds that are close to 300 trillion each year.

Hopefully, the trust of the public, muzaki, and donors, in general, will increase as the capacity of stakeholders in Indonesian Islamic philanthropy institutions increases. (IAL)