35 Dompet Dhuafa Dai Ambassadors Ready to Launch Ramadan 1445 H Programs Abroad

Dai Ambassador 2024 Dompet Dhuafa

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa, through its Department of Da’wah Services, recently held a plenary meeting to determine the Dai Ambassadors for the Ramadan 1445 H/2024 AD Program on Thursday, December 14, 2023. The plenary meeting, which took place at Teras Madina in Dompet Dhuafa’s Madina Zone, successfully concluded with the selection of 35 Dai Ambassadors who passed the final stage of a rigorous selection process. These selected preachers will undergo a series of training sessions before being deemed fit for assignment.

The recruitment process, including administrative review, written tests, and interviews to sift through and ensure the selected Dai Ambassador candidates met the criteria and were suitable for deployment in the Ramadan 1445 H Program. A total of 76 files from 141 applicants were discussed in the plenary session. The meeting proceeded smoothly, filled with productive discussions, though it was occasionally marked by lively debates among panelists, reflecting the thoroughness of the selection process.

Ahmad Pranggono, Senior Officer of Da’wah Services at Dompet Dhuafa, stated that the candidates who passed the selection process were also tested on integrity, the Qur’an, public speaking, foreign languages, and understanding of Islam during the interview process.

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“Those who passed and were deemed fit are those with the best abilities. This includes foreign language skills, with a minimum of 15 Juz of the Qur’an memorized, and a moderate understanding of Islam. In addition to English, many candidates also demonstrated proficiency in other languages, including French,” said Ahmad Pranggono.

Dai Ambassador 2024 Dompet Dhuafa

This year marks a significant milestone: the first decade of the Dai Ambassador Program. According to Ahmad Shonhaji, Director of Social, Da’wah, and Cultural Services, “A decade of the Dai Ambassador program is something to be grateful for and appreciated. It also reaffirms Dompet Dhuafa’s international da’wah efforts globally. We hope that in 2024 we will continue to serve international da’wah, based on Dompet Dhuafa’s ZISWAF (Zakat, Infaq, Sadaqah, Waqf) foundation.”

The event concluded with the signing of the official report as a form of selection transparency, recognized by all participants. This step is hoped to serve as a responsibility and transparency measure and one of the best innovations to present the finest preachers for da’wah worldwide. (Dompet Dhuafa/Cordofa/THF/Dhika)