
SLI Alumni Stories: Weaving Hope, Developing Literacy and Education

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — She is Deta Wijayanti, a true learner, who brings the spirit of literacy to remote and isolated areas. From North Kalimantan to Yogyakarta, her journey is […]

Meltriadi’s Life Story: From Mustahik, to Farmer

SOLOK, WEST SUMATRA — Solok is one of the regencies directly adjacent to the capital of West Sumatra Province, Padang. Besides being famous for its natural beauty in the form […]

Visit Dompet Dhuafa Office, NAMA Foundation Strengthens CollaborationActions

JAKARTA — For Dompet Dhuafa and NAMA Foundation, partnerships are not only about presence, resources, funds, or money spent. Everything in the partnership is about change as a result of […]

Zona Madina hands over productive waqf management surplus to Dompet Dhuafa

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — In this day and age, productive waqf management is growing and becoming more innovative. One of the concrete manifestations of innovation in waqf management at Dompet […]

Spreading Qurbani Animals to Palestine

JAKARTA — The Tebar Hewan Kurban (THK) program has been carried out by Dompet Dhuafa since 1994. This program helps distribute qurbani meat evenly, reaching areas in need throughout the […]

Fourth Gemilang Pesantren: A Forum for Mutual Self-Motivation

BANDUNG, WEST JAVA — Through the Gemilang Islamic Boarding School, Dompet Dhuafa once again brought together elderly donors. A total of 19 donors from Jabodetabek and West Java attended this […]

YES Scholarship Writing Selection as an Effort to Equalize Access to Education in East Java

SURABAYA, EAST JAVA — Departing from the belief that to build a good civilization, the basis is education. Education must be able to empower and change the fate of the […]

Blessed to be a Marbot for 10 Years, Nurdin Didn’t Expect to Perform Qurbani in Eid Al-Adha

BIMA, WEST NUSA TENGGARA — All his life, Nurdin Kahir (68) never imagined that he could perform qurbani in Eid al-Adha 1444 AH/2023 AD. For the last 10 years, he […]

Dedication Continues, Dompet Dhuafa Ready to Spread Sacrificial Animals 1445 H

JAKARTA — After dedicating itself to humanitarian work in the month of Ramadan 1445 H/2024 M, Dompet Dhuafa continued the pace of movement in the month of Shawwal to carry […]