BOGOR — In order to share happiness in the month of Ramadan, Layanan Kesehatan Cuma-Cuma (LKC) Dompet Dhuafa collaborAction with the Pertamina Hulu Rokan National Amil Zakat Institute or Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional Pertamina Hulu Rokan (LazNas PHR) to distribute Ramadan Parcels to LKC-DD health members
The Ramadan parcel containing this nutrition package was distributed at the Integrated Healthy House (RST) Hospital Building, Jalan Raya Parung, Number KM 42, Jampang, Kemang District, Bogor Regency on Saturday (15/4/2023). On this occasion, the Head of the Health Philanthropy Division of the Integrated Healthy Home Foundation or Yayasan Rumah Sehat Terpadu (YRST), Juperta Panji Utama, Director of LazNas Pertamina Hulu Rokan, Satya Prihatmoko, and Public Relations of RST Hospital, Aditya, were also present.
“Today, Lembaga Amil Zakat Nasional Hulu Rokan distributes zakat funds from muzaki in our company. We have regular programs during Ramadan and see what programs can synergise with LKC-DD. We, together with LKC-DD, want this distribution to be really useful for mustahik,” said Satya.

Satya hopes this happiness-sharing activity through the Ramadan Parcel can trigger health members to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
“We hope that all will always be healthy, all can get health education, starting with consuming good nutrition. So that everyone no longer goes to the hospital because of illness,” said Satya.
On the same occasion, Panji explained that in Ramadan 1444 H, LKC-DD rolled out several activities for a whole month in 12 LKC-DD offices spread across 12 provinces throughout Indonesia. Starting from Grebeg Mosque, Mengaji Healthy Area, Indonesia See, Ramadan Parcel Distribution for cadres and empowered members, as well as health services and emergency response.
Also Read: Cerita Sopir Angkot dan Parsel Ramadan Dompet Dhuafa

“Alhamdulillah, today we are collaborating with LazNas Pertamina Hulu Rokan to have the opportunity to share happiness with health members Free Health Service Dompet Dhuafa, in the form of Ramadan Parcels containing food and nutrition for members,” explained Panji.
Furthermore, Panji hopes that during Ramadan, LKC-DD health members will always be happy and able to carry out worship optimally.
“For donors, hopefully, all the good deeds that have been done during Ramadan will hopefully be accepted by Allah and then we will continue in the following months,” said Panji. (Dompet Dhuafa/LKC)