Collaborating with IIMS, Dompet Dhuafa Holds Ramadan Talkshow Ramadan to Establish Prayer Room

JAKARTA – Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) has been officially held since 16-26 February 2023 at, JIEXPO Kemayoran, Jakarta. This is an annual automotive exhibition event held by PT Dyandra Promosindo. This year, Dompet Dhuafa again became a partner of kindness who collaborated with IIMS 2023. 

However, something was different from the previous year. This year Dompet Dhuafa again synergized with IIMS 2023 in collaborAction to carry out acts of kindness, especially the Cianjur Recovery Program for the construction of Rumah Tumbuh, Earthquake Resistant School, and Building Mosques. 

At this prestigious event, Dompet Dhuafa also carried out the construction of a musala (prayer room) to facilitate Muslim visitors to worship in the exhibition arena, donation counter area and Talk Show Kindness From the Heart: Welcoming Ramadan With Refilling Conscience, on Thursday (23/2/2023). 

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“Dompet Dhuafa is not only collaborating with IIMS but we are also collaborating in order to distribute recovery from the Cianjur Earthquake Program, InsyaAllah from this incoming aid from Dyandra and IIMS, the funds will be distributed to Cianjur for the construction of prayer rooms, rumah tumbuh and Earthquake Resistant Schools, and for the people who want to visit IIMS can donate through Dompet Dhuafa,  in Hall C or also those who want to do the five-time prayers can also visit the Dompet Dhuafa prayer room that we’ve provided, please enjoy IIMS but also don’t forget to pray and donate your kindness through Dompet Dhuafa,” said Suci N Qadarsih as Head of Dompet Dhuafa Ramadan Program.

The Ramadan From the Heart talk show aims to invite the Indonesian people to participate in kindness activities, especially in the month of Ramadan as stated in Q.S At-Taubah verse 103, that says when people are giving zakat or sharing, there is happiness that is channeled.

“Welcoming Ramadan, invites IIMS visitors to participate that Ramadan is coming closer, we want people to start preparing themselves physically, mentally and spiritually, so we want to invite people to any of Dompet Dhuafa programs,” Suci added. 

Meanwhile, in the Ramadan From the Heart Talk Show, Ahmad Nihal, Procurement Manager of PT Dyandra Promosindo also attended the event, and Herman Wreda Saputra, one of the benefit recipients of Institut Kemandirian.

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Ahmad Nihal appreciated the collaborative kindness that was established between Dompet Dhuafa and IIMS 2023, according to him, Dompet Dhuafa has always been committed to distributing the funds that have been given even until throughout the country. 

“I believe Dompet Dhuafa is also professional, I believe everything can be distributed easily, so while it is still easy, of you’re still given sustenance, then please immediately distribute the obligations, for Dompet Dhuafa’s friends please remain enthusiastic and we thank you for being able to distribute to those in need,” said Nihal.

Dompet Dhuafa and PT Dyandra Promosindo are committed to keep expanding the benefits of the cooperation carried out at the IIMS show every year. Hopefully this is a concrete step towards greater collaborAction in the future.

Going towards 30 years, Dompet Dhuafa has been active in its five pillars, namely Social, Education, Economy, Health, and Da’wah and Culture. Dompet Dhuafa always strives to distribute assistance in a trustworthy manner by sticking to Tata Kelola Perusahaan (Corporate Governance). Every incoming fund always passes through screening, as well as the benefit recipients.

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“InshaAllah, Dompet Dhuafa always follows the compliance carried out by the Indonesian government including the Ministry of Religious Affairs, BAZNAS and the Ministry of Social Affairs. InshaAllah, the funds that come into Dompet Dhuafa, we can distribute them on target and Dompet Dhuafa can continue to maintain this trust. We also need supervision from the society, so proposals, reprimands of criticism from the general public really help us to be able to keep being better,” Suci concluded. 

The Talk show session was continued by a brief conversation with Herman Wreda Saputra, one of the benefit recipients of the Dompet Dhuafa empowerment program, Institut Kemandirian. Previously, Herman was just a young man who had a dream to be able to give benefits to the surrounding society. Thanks to the zakat given by Donors through Institut Kemandirian, he can now complete the Paket C (school examination) and can even teach at the Vocational High School level in the automotive field. 

Dompet Dhuafa hopes that in the future, there will be collaborAction and trust with PT Dyandra Promosindo through IIMS, so that more and more benefits will be spread to the society.