JAKARTA — GREAT Edunesia as Dompet Dhuafa’s Program Implementation Partner won the SNI Award 2024 Bronze Trophy for the Services Medium Organisation Category. The SNI Award is the highest award of the Indonesian government given to organisations that consistently maintain quality, manage transformation and change, and are competitive.
The SNI Award 2024 was given directly to GREAT Edunesia by Faisol Riza, Deputy Minister of Industry, at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), Thursday (21/11/2024). GREAT Edunesia received this award for successfully maintaining its commitment in managing quality education programmes.
‘After passing through various stages of the assessment process such as document requirements, desk evaluation, site evaluation, and CEO audition, GREAT Edunesia received the SNI Award in the Bronze category’ explained Asep Hendriana, CEO of GREAT Eedunesia.
Read also: Dompet Dhuafa wins Indonesia’s SDGs Action Awards 2024
‘The SNI Award is proof of our responsibility to maintain the trust of the community while maintaining the quality of education programmes for marginalised communities’ Asep continued.
A total of 251 organisations participated in the SNI Award 2024. However, only 69 organisations were declared worthy of receiving the award after undergoing a rigorous assessment process.
GREAT Edunesia successfully became an organisation that entered the desk evaluation and site evaluation stages of the SNI Award. SNI itself is a quality standard to ensure the quality of local Indonesian production.

‘The assessment process was carried out for almost a year. Alhamdulillah, GREAT Edunesia received the Bronze Award in the SNI Award 2024 Category of Medium Service Organisation’ Asep explained.
GREAT Edunesia’s participation in this prestigious event cannot be separated from the spirit of improving organisational management. Through the process of desk to site evaluation in the SNI Award 2024 assessment series, GREAT Edunesia also gained many new things.
‘The inputs of the evaluators and the SNI Award jury can strengthen the implementation process of the GREAT Edunesia system in order to maintain product quality to the sustainability aspect of the organisation. In the future, we will strengthen the performance of GREAT Edunesia in running educational programmes and maximising contributions so that the benefits will be more widespread’ said Asep.
In an effort to strengthen the contribution, the application of SNI is believed to be able to strengthen the competitiveness of national businesses and industries using the application of best practices to increase efficiency, improve quality, and product safety. Thus, being able to open markets and widen new opportunities. (Dompet Dhuafa)
Text and photo: GREAT Edunesia
Editor: Ronna