MANADO, NORTH SULAWESI – Disaster Management Center (DMC) and Dompet Dhuafa North Sulawesi still continue to provide aid in handling floods and landslides that hit Kota Manado, North Sulawesi until Monday (30/01/2023).
The flood disaster in Kota Manado which occurred on Friday (27/01/2023) was reported to have submerged approximately 400 houses in 34 villages/urban villages and 9 sub-districts. The flood with a water level ranging from 80-300 centimeters affected 3,013 households or 9,382 people and took one life.
Meanwhile, the landslide event affected 63 households and took place at several points in 22 villages/urban villages and 7 sub-districts. It also took four lives, one seriously injured, and two others slightly injured. It was also recorded that 53 houses were damaged, including 1 place of worship.
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In addition, the floods and landslides also forced 1,021 people to evacuate at a number of points. The number of refugees in Tikala Sub-District is 209 people, Paal Dua Sub-District is 261 people, Tuminting Sub-District is 50 people, Singkil Sub-District is 460 people, and Wanang Sub-District is 41 people.
“So, yesterday it had been raining since 5PM in the afternoon and the increase started at 5AM at dawn,” said one of the survivors at the affected location, Kel. Paal Dua.
Until now, the DMC and Dompet Dhuafa teams have opened Pos Hangat (Warm Post) located at Ponpes Darul Istiqomah, Jl. Bailang Raya No.54, Kel. Bailang, Bunaken Sub-District, Kel. Mahawu, Tuminting Sub-District, and in Kel. Cempaka, Bunaken Darat Sub-District, Kota Manado.
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In addition, the team has also opened Dapur Umum (Public Kitchen) in Wisma Mualaf, Kel. Molas, Bunaken Sub-District; Dompet Dhuafa Office in North Sulawesi, Kel. Paniki Bawah, Mapanget Sub-District; and in Kel. Mahawu, Tuminting Sub-District. Through this Public Kitchens, the team distributed ready-to-eat foods to the affected points, one of which was Kel. Paal Dua.
“We are in Paal Dua Urban Village (to distribute ready-to-eat foods),” explained Fadli, as a volunteer for disaster management of DMC Dompet Dhuafa in Manado.
Not stopping there, the team also helped clean up public facilities. One of these points was in Ponpes Darul Istiqomah.
The Manado City Government has established a state of emergency with number 27/KEP/B.06/BPBD/2023 dated January 27, 2023. In the decree signed by Manado Mayor Andrei Angouw, a period of state of emergency has been set from January 27, 2023 to February 2, 2023.