Dompet Dhuafa Advocates for Palestinian Independence with Millions of Supporters

Aksi Bela Palestina di Monas

JAKARTA — Dompet Dhuafa has consistently been vocal in advocating for the independence of Palestine. The people of Palestine deserve peace and freedom. Various peaceful actions have been organized and actively participated in. Recently, on Sunday (5/7/2023), Dompet Dhuafa participated in the Aksi Bela Palestina (Action for Defending Palestine) organized by the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). This event reportedly attracted millions of attendees from diverse organizations and community institutions across different religions.

In addition to echoing the demands for the liberation of the Palestinian people, Dompet Dhuafa also deployed several of its units, including an ambulance service with its medical team from the Free Health Care Service (LKC). Additionally, there was a mobile kitchen unit (Dapur Keliling – Darling) that provided food and drinks for the action’s participants. At the conclusion of the event, the Cleanliness is Health team worked among the attendees to clean up any leftover trash.

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Dompet Dhuafa Suarakan Kemerdekaan Palestina dalam aksi belas Palestina di Monas

“Dompet Dhuafa joined the Aksi Bela Palestina organized by MUI, together with various other organizations and community institutions, to express our concern for the Palestinian people who are currently oppressed by Zionist Israel. We hope this action will be heard and will lead to a ceasefire and, ultimately, to peace,” said Etika Setiawanti, Director of Resource Mobilization at Dompet Dhuafa during the event.

A participant, who preferred to remain anonymous, also explained their reason for supporting Palestinian independence. They stated that as human beings naturally inclined towards peace, it is deeply distressing to witness the horrific events in Palestine. This sentiment is particularly strong among Muslims, as a sense of humanity deeply resides in the heart of every Muslim, regardless of their location.

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Dompet Dhuafa Suarakan Kemerdekaan Palestina dalam aksi belas Palestina di Monas

“Why do we defend Palestine? Because it is currently under occupation! As human beings, and particularly as Muslims, we should have a clear stance on where we will stand in testimony,” they declared firmly. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)