LAMPUNG — Dompet Dhuafa Lampung together with Paragon Corp Lampung distributed 106 food packages to the society. The distribution of these basic food packages was carried out at the Paragon Corp Lampung office on Wednesday (11/04/23).
This activity was carried out in the context of the realization of Paragon Corp’s CSR program. The food packages which were distributed contained rice, sugar, cooking oil, flour, sardines, egg noodles, condensed milk, chili sauce, sweet soy sauce and cereals. This Ramadan blessing moment is used by Dompet Dhuafa and Paragon as the right time to carry out programs and acts of kindness.
Paragon Corp through the Head of the Lampung Area Branch, Reihan said, this program is a form of gratitude to Allah SWT in the Ramadan month and is a form of concern for the surrounding society. This Ramadan CSR program is routinely carried out by Paragon every year.
Also read: Dompet Dhuafa Salurkan 100 Paket Sembako di Wilayah Terdampak Gempa Turkiye-Suriah
“We hope Paragon can be close to the society and become part of the society itself. In syaa Allah, in the future we will also do a lot of cooperation with various parties to launch various kinds of activities and other positive programs,” said Reihan.

On the other hand, residents who received these basic food packages felt this activity was very helpful. They also prayed that Paragon Corp will be blessed with success for the good programs that are routinely implemented.
“We feel helped and cared for. We, the people around Paragon Corp’s warehouse, feel that Paragon has been very good by providing love ropes in the form of these basic food packages,” explained Mediawan, Head of RT 01 Lingkungan 1 Campang Raya Village, Bandar Lampung after receiving the basic food packages.
“We pray for Paragon Corp to be more successful and progressive for the kindness that has been done,” he added.
Also read: LPM Dompet Dhuafa Salurkan Paket Sembako Untuk Nelayan Kronjo
Meanwhile, in the same place, the Head of Dompet Dhuafa Lampung Branch, Yogi Achmad Fajar who was also present in the CSR distribution process welcomed this kindness movement.
“Alhamdulillah, thank you, and appreciation to Paragon Corp for collaborating with Dompet Dhuafa Lampung again in the Ramadan goodness collaboration. This becomes proof that collaborating in good things will get stronger,” said Yogi.
Yogi said, the cooperation between Paragon Corp and Dompet Dhuafa has been established for the last three years. He also hopes that the cooperation will continue, even after the Ramadan month. (Dompet Dhuafa/Lampung/Muthohar)