SERPONG, TANGERANG — “I am delighted and happy. This allowance (THR) is to meet the family’s needs; thank you, AIA and Dompet Dhuafa, for giving me this,” said a grateful child.
Ihsan, as he was called. Economic limitations forced Ihsan to work hard to meet his family’s daily needs. Even though he is only in grade 4, Ihsan always helps his parents to earn extra income as a fulfillment.
“I often help to sell goods or merchandise to stalls nearby, and I walk with my mom sometimes,” explained Ihsan.
He further said that his father worked as a janitor and a base motorcycle taxi, while his mother was a fried food seller.
“The difficulty is that I am in debt. If the goods do not run out, we borrow money first to make more capital, “said Ihsan.

However, thanks to the movement #RamadanDariHati collaboration between Dompet Dhuafa and PT AIA Financial Unit Syariah, the Feast Allowance (THR) can also be felt by Ihsan.
Dompet Dhuafa, together with PT AIA Financial Unit Syariah, glorifies orphans, orphans, and people with low incomes through two programs, namely the holiday’s allowance (THR) for Dhuafa, which is distributed to the Greater Jakarta area, West Java, Central Java, and East Java and the Renovation of the AKA Medika Hospital Polyclinic, Lampung.
“In collaboration with Dompet Dhuafa, there are two programs, and the first is the holiday allowance (THR) Dhuafa, distributed to 1600 beneficiaries, with each beneficiary Rp300,000 as fresh money. We distribute it to Jabodetabek, West Java, Central Java, and East Java with the same program. Another one is the renovation of the AKA Medika Hospital Polyclinic. now that is in Lampung,” said Nandrianto Suparno, CSR Partnership Dompet Dhuafa.
Baca juga: Bersinergi, Dompet Dhuafa Dukung Senayan City Mall Peduli Anak Yatim di Bulan Ramadan
On Sunday (9/4/2022), at the Asmaul Husna Mosque, Gading Serpong, the holiday allowance (THR) Untuk Dhuafa program targeted 300 orphans and the poor spread across 13 villages in Gading Serpong.

Providing Holiday Allowance for orphans and the poor is one form of kindness that can be done. Dompet Dhuafa also partners with Muslimah Gading Serpong, who helps distribute the holiday allowance for Dhuafa programs. Risma, Head of Muslimah Gading Serpong, also appreciated this activity.
“Masya Allah, a goodness of Allah, moves many parties, which is the first of Dompet Dhuafa. Hopefully, the next year can be distributed to us so that the following years will be distributed more and more to residents around Gading Serpong,” said Risma.
Dompet Dhuafa hopes the good synergy established with PT AIA Financial Sharia Business Unit can touch many beneficiaries who previously did not receive the allowance. So, they can still feel happiness on holidays.
“Hopefully, more and more of these beneficiaries can equally spread so that Eid can win in the holy month and can spread happiness throughout the circle. What is not possible can get THR, such as salary teachers, honorary employees, train door bars, porters, motorcycle taxi drivers, and so on, which they may not get the holiday allowance (THR). Still, we will provide THR from the collaboration of Dompet Dhuafa and AIA, “concluded Nandrianto. (Dompet Dhuafa/Anndini)