JAKARTA — Based on a survey conducted by the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) through the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT), the potential for community movement during Eid al-Fitr 1444 H is predicted to reach 123.8 million people. So, after recovering from the Covid-19 pandemic this year, public interest in homecoming will undoubtedly be high. Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa this year re-opened the traveller service to help comfort and accommodate travellers to stay safe until they reach their destination.
As part of this service, Dompet Dhuafa also held a public discussion entitled “Public Discussion of Travel Services 2023” on Monday (17/04/23) at the Philanthropy Building, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Also present in the discussion were Haryo Mojopahit as GM of Communication &; Strategic Alliance of Dompet Dhuafa, Rieta Annur as Chairman of the 1444 H Travel Service, Subroto Kardjo as Managing Editor of Republika, Yusuf Wibisono as Director of IDEAS, Fajar Shalman Alfariz as Advisor to the Bus Ticket Collector Community, and Fauzi from representatives of the DKI Jakarta Transportation Office.
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Haryo Mojopahit said that Dompet Dhuafa presents the 2023 Integrated Homecoming Service Post at seven points. It was also conveyed that this integrated service was present because Dompet Dhuafa wanted to support the working class who migrated to the city and wanted to go home or return home during Eid.
“We provide several services at the homecoming post so that travellers can rest in peace at the existing post, and they can also check their health. Dompet Dhuafa also hopes that travellers can reach their destination safely and safely,” said Haryo.

Furthermore, Rieta Annur said the traveller service is integrated because the resources come from Dompet Dhuafa’s organs and branches. He also explained seven primary services at seven Dompet Dhuafa posts. Among them are health services, namely health checks, lactation corner rooms for breastfeeding mothers, motorbike services, barbershops, free massages, play corners from DMC, fairy tale education related to disaster mitigation, and free charger services. There are also traditional health services in massage, cupping, and mobile kitchens.
“The purpose of this homecoming post service is expected to meet the basic needs of travellers, such as fatigue problems and family-friendly rest areas, simple beds are provided, and an ambulance service. God willing, our service is complete, so hopefully, it can be useful for travellers who travel, so they can safely reach their destination,” Rieta explained.
Here are seven Dompet Dhuafa Integrated Homecoming Service Posts and the forms of services provided:

Related to this, Subroto Kardjo, Managing Editor of Republika, also conveyed that the media plays an essential role in delivering information related to homecoming.
“With the news, people already have related sources of information such as toll price information, where to rest, and so on. Because the homecoming trip must be considered,” said Subroto.
DKI Jakarta Transportation Office representatives also appreciate Dompet Dhuafa’s integrated homecoming service.
“We appreciate; indeed, at this time, we will experience a surge in travellers because in 2023, God willing, there are no strict restrictions. So, based on the data, it is predicted that there will be a surge in homecoming flows so that what is being done can anticipate the occurrence of it, “explained Fauzi.

In addition, Fajar Shalman Alfariz, as Advisor to the Bus Ticket Collector Community, also mentioned that the fatigue point for land transportation drivers is four hours; therefore, every four hours, they must rest for at least 30 minutes.
“The Dompet Dhuafa Mudik Service Post Program, with these various facilities, can help travellers, especially, to rest at every point of fatigue,” said Fajar.
Then, Yusuf Wibisono, Director of IDEAS, conveyed that this homecoming phenomenon departs from social inequality in our society, which urbanizes due to the unequal economy between rural and urban areas.
Therefore, Dompet Dhuafa appealed to the public to be careful when travelling and can fulfil Ziswaf through traveller services at these 7 points. So that people can go home safely, comfortably, and ziswaf easily. (Dompet Dhuafa/Awalia R)