Do you need clarification about where to go for free treatment in Bogor? Dompet Dhuafa Integrated Health Hospital (RST) in Jampang, Kemang, Bogor, can solve your health problems.
Health is a fundamental right that belongs to all citizens. However, not all citizens obtain protection for their health. Limited costs often make underprivileged or duafa people give up prematurely, mainly if they must deal with large hospitals with complete facilities.
This anxiety then became a strong reason for Dompet Dhuafa to build an Integrated Healthy Home Hospital (RST) on a waqf area of 7,803 square meters in Jampang, Bogor. The hope is that this hospital can be a referral for duafa people to seek free treatment in Bogor. So, they no longer have to worry about seeing a doctor if they experience health problems or need emergency health services.
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Health Facilities Hospital of Integrated Healthy House Dompet Dhuafa
Established in 2012, the Hospital of Integrated Healthy House (RST) Dompet Dhuafa has obtained Plenary Level accreditation from the Hospital Accreditation Commission (KARS) of the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) of the Republic of Indonesia. For information, the whole level is the highest graduation rate a hospital can achieve. RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital has met the Indonesian Ministry of Health accreditation standards, especially regarding service quality and patient safety.
This type C hospital opens health services for the public, private insurance, and BPJS Kesehatan. In addition, RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital is also a referral hospital for the BPJS Employment Work Accident Service Center (PLKK).
This hospital has the vision to become the first-choice hospital that provides professional and Islamic health services for the community, especially the duafa. Therefore, the duafa can get free treatment in this hospital without worrying about the cost. Although free, it does not mean that the facilities and services are not optimal. On the other hand, RST Dompet Dhuafa Hospital already has complete facilities with up-to-date health technology.
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Starting from the Emergency Department (IGD) with 24-hour services, the hospital also provides a series of specialist polyclinics to medical equipment with the latest technology such as CT-scan, 4D ultrasound, physiotherapy, portable x-rays, and so on. The polyclinic service of this hospital is also complete, consisting of 12 clinics. The twelve clinics include Children & Obgyn Clinic, Heart Clinic, Medical Rehabilitation Clinic, Mental Health Clinic, Internal Medicine Clinic, Eye Clinic, General Surgery Clinic, Lung Clinic, Nerve Clinic, Occupational Clinic, Nutrition Clinic, and Dental Clinic. Currently, RST is also working on poly ENT and orthopedics.
In addition, RST also has three excellent services: hemodialysis or dialysis therapy, cataract screening and surgery, and Medical Check Up (MCU).
How to Get Free Treatment at Dompet Dhuafa’s Integrated Healthy House Hospital
At the initial stage, you must register with the Free Health Service (LKC) Dompet Dhuafa to get free health services. Furthermore, applicants will be surveyed for eligibility, whether they can be categorized as beneficiaries or not by the verification team.
LKC itself is an organ of Dompet Dhuafa that provides free health services to the duafa. The fees used to serve health for free are obtained from managing community social funds, such as zakat funds, infaq, alms, waqf, personal funds, and corporate social funds. Therefore, in its implementation, LKC member registrants must go through a verification process to maintain public trust regarding Ziswaf funds entrusted to Dompet Dhuafa.
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However, this verification process will not apply if the condition is an emergency. In this condition, the community will still be served despite not processing membership in LKC Dompet Dhuafa. This participation-based service aims to facilitate LKC so that if residents need health services, they can be handled immediately without being hampered by administrative problems.
In addition, LKC Dompet Dhuafa also provides BPJS Health advocacy services for underprivileged communities. Advocacy here means that LKC Dompet Dhuafa helps patients who have become members if they experience problems related to BPJS arrears/premiums, hospitalization fines, etc. So LKC Dompet Dhuafa will help these participants to transfer their BPJS Health to BPJS Contribution Assistance Recipients (PBI) from the government, both PBI APBD and PBI APBN.
This BPJS Health advocacy service is not only for LKC members. We will also help members related to socializing the flow of BPJS and City/Regency Regional Guarantees that patients can access if they experience problems with medical financing.