TANGERANG – As part of its collaboration with the GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2023, Dompet Dhuafa invited Vocational School (SMK) students to attend the largest automotive exhibition in Southeast Asia on Wednesday, August 16, 2023. The event, titled Education Day, involved the Independence Institute (IK) along with three other schools: SMK Nusa Jaya, SMK Pustek Mitra Tigaraksa, and SMK 7 in Tangerang Regency.
A total of 150 students from these three schools were very enthusiastic and cheerful while participating in Education Day at GIIAS 2023. In addition to these three schools, GIIAS also invited several other schools to attend Education Day.
Prior to this, Dompet Dhuafa and GIIAS had conducted various activities. The first was the renovation of MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya School, which began in July 2023. The second was a blood donation drive, and the last was the Education Day event for SMK students.
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Dian Sukma Riany, the Strategic Corporate Partnership, explained that the Education Day agenda aimed to provide students from SMK with insights into four-wheeled or two-wheeled automotive technology. The activities included an Exhibition Tour and an Automotive Seminar.
“We hope that with the presence of these students at GIIAS, they can be more motivated to study diligently and pursue their dreams,” she said.
During the Exhibition Tour session, students were guided to see the latest vehicles from various automotive brands. They also had the opportunity to interact directly with representatives from automotive manufacturers to get more information about the latest vehicles and technology.
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Next, the students were directed to attend seminars and presentations related to the automotive industry held during the exhibition. They also had the chance to expand their network with professionals in the automotive industry.
One of the participants, Aldo Ahyar, a student at SMK 7 in Tangerang Regency, expressed his joy in attending this event. He also felt that this activity was very motivating for him to study harder at school. In the future, he wants to become like the great people behind the cool world of automotive.
“I’m happy to be able to see cool cars and motorcycles up close. Someday, I want to be like them in the automotive world,” he said.
Baca juga: Dompet Dhuafa dan GIIAS Educare Bangun Ulang MIS Nurul Falah Gelam Jaya
Pak Kuswara, a teacher from SMK Pustek Mitra Tigaraksa, also accompanied his students to the event. He expressed his gratitude for the invitation to his school to attend GIIAS. Moreover, the students received free tickets to GIIAS.
“Thank you for facilitating our students to come to GIIAS. This is a great opportunity,” he said. (Dompet Dhuafa/Muthohar)