SOUTH TANGERANG – Dompet Dhuafa held the Opening of Da’i Empower School Batch 8 on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 at Wisma Syahida Inn, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University (UIN) Jakarta. The program, initiated by Da’i Corps Dompet Dhuafa (Cordofa), was attended by 65 audiences from various regions, including Jabodetabek, Aceh, Kendari, to East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). It is known that the Dai Empower School Batch 8 event will be held for 30 days, carried out through materials in the classroom and field practices outside the classroom.
The opening of the Da’i Empower School Batch 8 was attended by the leaders of Dompet Dhuafa’s social programs, such as the General Manager of Social Services, Mr. Juperta Panji Utama, and the Senior Officer of Dakwah, Ustaz Ahmad Pranggono. The series of activities on the agenda of this ceremony was filled with remarks from the leadership of Dompet Dhuafa and an introductory Tausyiah presented by TV One’s “Religi One” performer, Ustaz Erick Yusuf and the National Da’i of the Country, Ustaz Muhammad Subki Al-Bughury.
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In his remarks, Mr. Panji reminded us that the international world views Indonesia as a country with a majority Muslim population, so the good and bad will impact the image of Islam itself.
“One of Dompet Dhuafa’s steps is to create Da’i schools. With Da’i schools, Dompet Dhuafa sends Da’is to areas which is our contribution to the Republic of Indonesia,” said Mr. Panji.
On the other hand, Ustaz Erick also emphasized the task of a preacher on how to package the people’s problems in the best way. The Deputy Chairperson of the Cultural Arts of the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) Center gave an example of the film industry that plays an important role in life, encouraging people to be economically independent by providing real support to each other.
“We want the independence of the people, but if the shopping is still in the ‘next door’ store. Don’t want to save in an Islamic bank, because it is still mixed with conventional (elements), how long do you want it to be? Our way of thinking is epistemological, whereas people outside of Islam must be logical and empirical for them to be acceptable, it is the duty of Da’i to make it comprehensive,” said Ustaz Erick.
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In addition, Ustaz Subki also explained that there are no best words, except the cry of the one who invites Allah. He reminded several choices of proselytizing methods that each Da’i can apply: firmness and gentleness.
“With the spirit of proselytizing to man towards God, then a Da’i is a real man who must continue to improve his ‘weapon’. Because you are in the way of Allah, you will get Allah’s help,” said Ustaz Subki.
Ustaz AP, the nickname of Ustaz Ahmad Pranggono, said that the Da’i school aims to increase the transformative proselytizing needs of Dompet Dhuafa in underdeveloped, frontier, and outermost (3T) areas where the assigned Da’is will deliver the da’wah rahmatan lil ‘alamin along with the core values of Dompet Dhuafa.***