Dompet Dhuafa Provides Corpse Processing Knowledge for Prospective Unida Campus Volunteers

Ust. Madroi, Manager Program BARZAH menjelaskan dan mempraktikkan cara memandikan jenazah bagi calon relawan kampus Unida.

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Funeral Board (BARZAH) Dompet Dhuafa together with the Agency for the Study and Application of Tawhid (BPPT) Djuanda University (Unida ) held a training titled ‘Training on Funeral Processing: Between Sharia and Tradition’ on Friday (29/11/2024). The event, held at the Baitul Hamdi Mosque, Djuanda University, Bogor, was attended by more than 100 participants from various backgrounds, including santri, students, lecturers, and the general public around the campus.

Chairman of BPPT Unida, Rendi Ramdhani explained that this training was motivated by the many requests from the community to gain knowledge and skills in handling the funeral process. In addition, people often ask Unida for help to carry out funeral arrangements for their families/relatives. These requests come, in particular, from people who have limitations, both in terms of costs and knowledge related to the process.

‘Hopefully this can be practised by the congregation, considering that the congregation really hopes for this training. So, if there is a request for funeral arrangements, we already have human resources who can do it properly, according to sharia, customs, and adab,’ he explained.

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Ust. Madroi, BARZAH Programme Manager explained and practised how to bathe a corpse for prospective Unida campus volunteers.
Ust. Madroi explained and practised how to shroud a corpse for prospective Unida campus volunteers.

The training presented Ustaz Madroi, Manager of BARZAH Dompet Dhuafa, as the speaker. Madroi explained various aspects related to the theory of funeral arrangements, legal regulations, adab in treating corpses, as well as several cases that are often encountered in the community.
Madroi divided this training activity into two sessions. The first session presented an explanation of the theory, sharia, and manners that must be applied in the process of funeral arrangements. The second session focused on hands-on practice, where participants were taught how to bathe, dress, pray, bury, and pray for the dead in accordance with Islamic teachings.
The participants were very enthusiastic during the training. They actively participated in every session, both theoretical and practical. Several jokes and jokes also came out of Ustaz Madroi’s mouth. This is his characteristic in delivering the material so that the congregation is always focused but cheerful.

Read also: Fostering Santri Lapas: Dompet Dhuafa Provides Training for Prisoners on Corpse Registration

Ust. Madroi and the participants practised how to cut a shroud for a corpse for prospective Unida campus volunteers.
The participants paid attention to the explanation and practice by Ust. Madroi on how to bathe a corpse for prospective Unida campus volunteers.

This is not the first time Dompet Dhuafa and Djuanda University have collaborated. Previously, the two parties also managed to raise Rp300 million in donations for the Palestinian cause, which was then handed over through Dompet Dhuafa.
‘Hopefully this will not stop here. Dompet Dhuafa will always be ready to be a collaborative partner in various good activities, both those related to religion and humanity,’ said Yudha Andilla, Manager of Retail Fundraising Dompet Dhuafa.
In the future, after this training, BPPT Djuanda University plans to form a team of volunteer funeral directors. This team will function to help the surrounding community who need funeral arrangements. The team will also work with Dompet Dhuafa’s BARZAH team, which has experience in providing free funeral services for the poor.
‘Inshallah, currently there are 20 volunteer members who have stated that they are ready to become corpse review volunteers at Unida. So, if there is a request from the community, we are ready,’ said Rendi.

Read also: Dompet Dhuafa to Kepulauan Seribu, Conducts Mortuary Care Training and Compensation for Mortuary Workers

The participants paid attention to the explanation and practice by Ust. Madroi on how to cut a shroud for a corpse for prospective Unida campus volunteers.
Ust. Madroi explained and practised how to bathe a corpse for prospective Unida campus volunteers.

In addition, the Vice Rector of Unida, Dr Yudi Wahyudin, gave a positive response to the implementation of this training activity. He also participated in the training while observing firsthand the theory and practice of how to take care of the dead.

‘This activity is really extraordinary. It is a very useful knowledge for the congregation who are present on how to carry out funeral arrangements. Moreover, those who attended this activity were young people, as well as lecturers and congregations from local residents,’ he said.

BARZAH Dompet Dhuafa itself has provided many free funeral services by utilising zakat, infaq and alms funds. With ambulances and teams spread across various locations, both in Jabodetabek and other provinces in Indonesia, BARZAH is ready to provide assistance to the poor in need. (Dompet Dhuafa)

Text and photo: Riza Muthohar

Editor: Dhika