JAKARTA — The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) gave the award to Tim Cadangan Kesehatan (TCK) Emergency Medical Team (EMT) type 2 on Monday (15/5/2023). Located in the courtyard of Prof. Dr. Sujudi Building Kemenkes RI, Jakarta, this award was given thanks to the dedication of medical personnel who carried out the humanitarian mission of the Turkiye earthquake that occurred on February 6, 2023.
Among those who received this award were dr. Zainab Aqila as PIC of Respon Darurat Kesehatan or RDK (Health Emergency Response) Layanam Kesehatan Cuma-cuma or LKC (Free Health Service) of Dompet Dhuafa, and dr. Rosmalia as the LKC Dompet Dhuafa Health Team. The award was given directly by Budi Gunadi Sadikin as the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.
A total of 105 team members and 14 supporting staff, represented by 23 people, consisting of various professions in health and non-health fields received the awards that day. This is a collaboration of elements of ministries or institutions, the Indonesian National Army (TNI), the Indonesian National Police (Polri), professional organizations as well as Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat (LSM) or Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) through Tenaga Cadangan Kesehatan (Health Reserve Personnel) program.
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In his speech, Budi Gunadi Sadikin explained that in this world there are already standards for disaster emergency teams, namely EMT type 1 (outpatient emergency care), EMT type 2 (inpatient surgical emergency care), EMT type 3 (inpatient referral care), and additional specialized care team. The most assigned EMTs during disasters in Indonesia are EMT type 1 and EMT type 2.
“As far as I remember, Indonesia has not had type 1, still type 2. Therefore, I hope this can reach type 1, so that if there are major disasters in the world level, we can send our representatives to help our friends in other regions in the world,” said Minister of Health, Budi.
Minister of Health Budi asked TCK-EMT members to be registered to strengthen the experience of their members. Not only that, TCK-EMT members must also be given training and the best time to apply this is in times of disaster.
dr. Zainab Aqila also admitted that she was proud to be given the opportunity to be involved in the formation of TCK-EMT and was sent directly to the earthquake disaster area in Turkiye.
“Alhamdulillah, this becomes a motivation for me to be more useful together with LKC Dompet Dhuafa. We’re proud to be trusted by LKC Dompet Dhuafa and the Ministry of Health to participate in the earthquake disaster in Turkiye, the country where I used to study. Hopefully, in the future, more young people will contribute to disaster mitigation efforts in Indonesia,” said dr. Aqila. (Dompet Dhuafa/PR)
The broadcast of the award ceremony can rewatched through the Indonesian Ministry of Health’s YouTube channel at the following link: https://link.kemkes.go.id/pengukuhanTCKEMT.