Dompet Dhuafa Strengthens Da’wah Front Through Dai Cordofa School


SOUTH SUMATRA — Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra held a Dai Cordofa School activity at Granda Malacca Hotel on March 8-9, 2023. This activity was carried out to recruit Dai from South Sumatra who will join the Corps Dai Dompet Dhuafa (CORDOFA).

Later, these Dais were assigned to broadcast education related to zakat, infak, and alms (Ziswaf), help distribute donations, and serve Dompet Dhuafa da’wah activities. This event was attended by participants who had passed the selection stage of the recruitment process. The participants were not only from Palembang, but also from Lahat, Pagaralam, Empat Lawang, OKU Timur, and Banyuasin.

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School Activities From Cordofa at Hotel Granda Malacca, Palembang.
Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra organizes Dai Cordofa School activities.

For two days, participants received material on Dompet Dhuafa, da’wah challenges, mosque management, fundraising, digital da’wah, public speaking, fiqh ziswaf, and material related to halal animal slaughter in collaboration with the Halal Slaughterer team or Juru Sembelih Halal (JULEHA SUMSEL). There was also a sharing session with Dai Ambassadors who Dompet Dhuafa had sent to various countries.

One of the participants, Uztad Mudrikan Niam from Empat Lawang Regency said that he felt grateful to be able to attend the Dai Cordofa School training. He claimed many benefits, including public speaking science materials, Ziswaf, and halal slaughter.

DD South Sumatra organizes Dai Cordofa School activities.
All participants of Dai Cordofa School took a group photo after the presentation of the material.

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“Hopefully, the knowledge gained can be useful and blessings, and pray that Dompet Dhuafa South Sumatra will be better and spread benefits and maintain the people’s trust,” he said.

Riski Asmuni, as the Head of the South Sumatra Dompet Dhuafa Branch, explained that Dai Cordofa School is one of South Sumatra’s efforts to strengthen the ranks of da’wah to welcome the holy month of Ramadan.

“It is hoped that the Dai who have been trained at Dai Cordofa School can contribute to encouraging the economic empowerment of the people and improving the quality of da’wah in South Sumatra,” he explained. (Dompet Dhuafa/AHB/Muthohar)