Donating through Dompet Dhuafa, MTs An-Najah Supports and Defends Humanity for Palestine

MTs An-Najah menyalurkan donasi untuk Palestina ke Dompet Dhuafa

BOGOR, WEST JAVA — Dompet Dhuafa was once again trusted as a distributor of kindness for the people of Palestine. This time, the mandate came from the students of MTs An-Najah. This action is a clear proof that the spirit of #WeStandforPalestinian is still being nurtured, so that our brothers and sisters in Palestine can live properly and soon be free.

After the successful action at the high school level, Alhamdulillah, on Friday (11/7/2023), MTs An-Najah donated IDR 33,771,000 for Palestine through Dompet Dhuafa. Not only fundraising, MTs An-Najah also initiated the sale of Palestinian merchandise such as pins, scarves, and other attributes. The revenue from the sales will also be donated. The donation also comes from the students who set aside their pocket money, as well as active participation from teachers and parents.

When an institution extends the hand of kindness, it means that they not only provide material assistance, but also convey a message of empathy. Because in extending the hand of kindness, a network of solidarity will be created that connects caring hearts, creating goodness that can benefit the lives of many people.

“This activity is part of the school’s efforts to foster a sense of humanity and care among children,” said Imas Uliyah, Head of MTs An-Najah.

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In addition, various activities were also held to raise the spirit and support for Palestine. Starting with Dhuha prayer in the morning to the performance of love poems for Palestine from several MTs students and ending with a joint prayer for Palestine.

“As before, when there is a disaster, we always channel it through Dompet Dhuafa. But the concept this time is different from usual, we held an action and love poem for Palestine, so that the caring nature, sympathy and empathy of children can grow. And certainly the hope is that the donations that we trust can reach the beneficiaries in Palestine. And may Dompet Dhuafa also always be healthy and be given ease in carrying out its humanitarian mission in Palestine,” said Imas.

Dompet Dhuafa Fundraising Staff, Anto Langgeng Prayogo, who was present representing the institution in the donation handover ceremony, highly appreciated and thanked all parties who had contributed to this collaboration of kindness, especially MTs and An-Najah High School who have collaborated with Action for several years, humanitarian programs such as assistance for the eruption of Mount Semeru and also the Cianjur Earthquake.
“Friends, never forget the history of Indonesia’s independence that one of the first countries to recognize the sovereignty of Indonesia’s independence was Egypt and Palestine. Helping Palestine is not only by going there, but also through our prayers after every prayer or if we have excess sustenance, we can donate to our brothers and sisters in Palestine, through trustworthy humanitarian institutions. For this reason, as a representative of Dompet Dhuafa, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all elements of MTs An-Najah school. Both to the Head of the Foundation and the board of administrators, the Principal and the Board of Teachers, and friends of MTs An-Najah,” said Anto.

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Since the Israeli occupation on October 7, 2023, Dompet Dhuafa has mobilized a number of humanitarian programs and actions in Palestine. Aid from the Indonesian people entrusted to Dompet Dhuafa continues to roll in the Holy Land of the prophets. Unfortunately, some of the aid had to wait at the Rafah Gate because Israel refused to open the aid route.

Meanwhile, the students looked very enthusiastic. They wore Palestinian-themed clothes and showed their support with writings. They also wore Middle Eastern turban and Palestinian scarves around their necks. Various kinds of Palestinian attributes added to the spirit of support for the occupied country.

May Allah Swt give strength and victory to our brothers and sisters in Palestine and may Allah hasten the destruction of Zionist Israel. (Dompet Dhuafa/ADP)